slept in Vietnamese

@slept /sli:p/
danh từ
- giấc ngủ; sự ngủ
=in one's sleep+ trong khi ngủ
=the sleep of just+ giấc ngủ ngon
=sleep that knows no breaking+ giấc ngàn thu
=broken sleep+ giấc ngủ trằn trọc
=to go to sleep+ đi ngủ
=to fall on sleep+ (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) đi ngủ; (nghĩa bóng) chết
- sự nghỉ ngơi, sự tĩnh dưỡng
- sự chết
nội động từ slept
- ngủ
=to sleep like a log (top)+ ngủ say
- ngủ giấc ngàn thu
- ngủ trọ, ngủ đỗ
=to sleep at a boarding-house+ ngủ ở nhà trọ
- (+ with) ngủ, ăn nằm (với ai)
=to sleep around+ ăn nằm lang chạ
- nằm yên
=sword sleeps in scabbard+ gươm nằm yên trong bao
* ngoại động từ
- ngủ (một giấc ngủ)
=to sleep the sleep of the just+ ngủ một giấc ngủ ngon
- có đủ chỗ ngủ cho
=this lodging sleeps 50 men+ chỗ trọ này có đủ chỗ ngủ cho 50 người
!to sleep away
- ngủ cho qua (ngày giờ)
=to sleep hours away+ ngủ cho qua giờ
!to sleep in nh to live in
- (Ê-cốt) ngủ muộn, ngủ quên, ngủ quá giờ
=to be slep in+ dùng để ngủ; có người ngủ
=the bed had not been slept in for months+ giường không có người ngủ đã hàng tháng rồi
!to sleep off
- ngủ đã sức
- ngủ cho hết (tác dụng của cái gì)
=to sleep off one's headache+ ngủ cho hết nhức đầu
=to sleep it off+ ngủ cho giã rượu
!to sleep on; to sleep upon; to sleep over
- gác đến ngày mai
=to sleep on a question+ gác một vấn đề đến ngày mai
!let sleeping dogs lie
- (xem) dog
!the top sleeps
- con cù quay tít

Sentence patterns related to "slept"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "slept" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "slept", or refer to the context using the word "slept" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. “I slept Awhile before dinner.” (compare with “I slept deeply before dinner” and “I slept badly before dinner”.)

2. I barely slept.

Em khó ngủ.

3. I slept, took a shower.

Em ngủ, tắm dưới vòi hoa sen.

4. You should have slept more.

Con nên ngủ thêm chút nữa.

5. I hardly slept a wink.

6. Yes, I slept very well.

7. I haven't slept for fucking weeks.

Tôi đã không ngủ được trong mấy tuần.

8. I slept for eleven solid hours.

9. 19 I slept soundly that day.

10. Tom hasn't slept all night.

11. You slept like a log.

Em ngủ như một khúc gỗ.

12. He slept on the couch.

13. I read awhile, then slept.

14. I slept like a log.

15. She slept on the plane .

16. He slept like a log.

17. I'm sorry I slept with Dan.

Xin lỗi vì em đã ngủ với Dan.

18. The baby slept soundly all night.

19. You look as though you slept badly.

20. The climbers slept in a mountain refuge.

21. He's slept in the same sand.

Anh ngủ trên cùng một bãi cát.

22. He dozed fitfully, and then slept.

23. She slept fitfully , disturbed by nightmares.

24. Slept with one eye open wide.

Mắt nhắm hờ khi ngủ.

25. You slept right through the thunderstorm.

26. We both slept badly that night.

27. I slept for eight solid hours.

28. I slept right through till lunchtime.

29. The policeman asked Ester who slept there.

30. 8 She slept the sleep of exhaustion.

31. We both slept right through the storm.

32. 6 The baby slept soundly all night.

33. But she's slept well today, thank goodness.

34. He slept fitfully, full of strange dreams.

35. People also slept on ships at sea.)

Hải hành ngâm (Ngâm trong lúc đi trên biển).

36. Sometimes he would gasp as he slept.

37. The baby slept peacefully through the night.

38. The baby slept peacefully in its cradle.

39. After answering my questions, he slept on.

40. The child slept soundly in her cradle.

41. Though he slept soundly, he awoke instantly.

42. She slept for, like, nine hours after.

Sau đấy nó ngủ mấy tiếng liền

43. Moran himself slept fitfully beside their brother.

44. We all slept in the trench this night.

45. Yeah, I slept through that class at Quantico.

Phải, hồi học ở Quantico tôi còn ngủ gật cơ.

46. 28 Thirteen Meg slept soundly that first night.

47. 21 I slept soundly right through the night.

48. 3 The child slept soundly in her cradle.

49. 19 While Hitler slept, Goebbels and Bormann made haste.

50. She slept fitfully, her mind crowded with confusing dreams.