silently in Vietnamese

@silently /'sailəntli/
* phó từ
- yên lặng, âm thầm

Sentence patterns related to "silently"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "silently" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "silently", or refer to the context using the word "silently" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Come, come silently ~

Đến, đến một cách âm thầm

2. He sat silently cogitating.

3. Brain Aneurysms develop silently

4. Emma silently faced forward.

Emma lặng lẽ cúi mặt về phía trước.

5. Silently the boat glided past.

6. The gates swung silently open .

7. She knelt and prayed silently.

8. The car rolled silently downhill.

9. He was reading silently/to himself.

10. She seethed silently in the corner.

11. And grey angelfish glide silently overhead.

12. The huntsmen chased the deer silently.

13. The Afformative is the allipsis which silently accompanies any act and which may silently interrupt any speech act.”

14. He sat silently by the bed.

15. She crept silently out of the room.

16. The cat crept silently towards the bird.

17. She silently mouthed the words 'Good luck'.

18. He silently vowed vengeance on them all.

19. The moon slid silently behind a cloud.

20. Glover ruminated silently in a different direction.

21. He did them silently, patiently and competently.

22. A whiskered man approached swiftly and silently.

23. Have one partner silently study Alma 10:31–32; 11:21 and the other partner silently study Alma 12:8.

Hãy yêu cầu một người trong nhóm nghiên cứu thầm An Ma 10:31–32; 11:21 và người còn lại nghiên cứu An Ma 12:8.

24. A snake was slithering silently towards us.

25. The cat is creeping silently towards the bird.

26. I would live silently contented in your shadow.

Anh sẽ bằng lòng sống lặng yên trong cái bóng của em.

27. Then the crowd began to disperse slowly; silently.

28. Silently, she felt her way across the room.

29. 11 Glover ruminated silently in a different direction.

30. Silently, and still bemused, she held out the receiver.

31. Strange shadows moved silently in the almost permanent darkness.

32. We can pray virtually anytime, anywhere, aloud or silently.

Chúng ta có thể cầu nguyện hầu như bất cứ lúc nào, nơi nào, lớn tiếng hay âm thầm.

33. Starting with version 11.2, updates will be downloaded silently.

Bắt đầu từ phiên bản 11.2, các bản cập nhật sẽ tự động được tải xuống.

34. I prayed silently for peace to those venerable remains.

35. Lenny moved swiftly and silently across the front lawn.

36. She sat there silently, staring at the blackboard vacantly.

37. The young man silently bade adieu to his hometown.

38. He didn't shout, he just glared at me silently.

39. She viewed him as silently Arrogating to himself the …

40. We leap down, floating silently like Lyze of Kiel.

Chúng ta nhảy xuống, bay yên lặng như Lyze vùng Kiel.

41. The process leading to osteoporosis can operate silently for decades .

Quá trình gây loãng xương có thể diễn ra trong một thời gian dài .

42. Juror No.4 turns away sits silently in a chair.

43. 7 A group of men stood silently on the shoreline.

44. The condition invades us silently to us stain with blood.

Tình hình này đang lặng lẽ xâm chiếm chúng ta như những vết máu loang.

45. Whitlock silently cursed Graham for heaping more suspicion on him.

46. He was pleading, almost sobbing, first silently and then aloud.

47. He bows silently and hands her a single white lily.

48. The young man stood silently with tears running down his cheeks .

Chàng trai đứng im với dòng lệ lăn dài trên má .

49. She sat in the car, silently fuming about what he'd said.

50. Slowly, patiently, silently, over a detritus of cans, wrappers, boxes, papers.