short-term economic growth target in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-mục tiêu tăng trưởng kinh tế ngắn hạ

Sentence patterns related to "short-term economic growth target"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "short-term economic growth target" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "short-term economic growth target", or refer to the context using the word "short-term economic growth target" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The our city's affirmatory this year economic growth target is 12 %.

2. The current world economic conditions require more short-term fiscal stimulus to break the cycle of high unemployment, weak aggregate demand and slow growth.

3. There is no easy short-term solution to Britain's chronic economic malaise.

4. China needs to shift its stance vis-a-vis short-term growth and long-term environmental sustainability.

5. “In the short run, the subdued economic growth is linked to soft domestic demand.

“Trong ngắn hạn, tăng trưởng kinh tế vẫn ở mức khiêm tốn do cầu trong nước còn yếu.

6. Targets would thus be adjusted to each country's short-term economic situation and position in the economic cycle

7. Short-term monetary control: what should governments attempt to control? Monetary policy may be off target.

8. • Vietnam’s economic growth remains moderate and continues to come in below its long-term trend.

• Tăng trưởng kinh tế của Việt Nam vẫn ở mức khiêm tốn và tiếp tục vẫn thấp hơn xu hướng dài hạn.

9. Company executives grumble that analysts are obsessed with short-term performance at the expense of long-term growth and profitability.

10. Economic growth matters.

Tăng trưởng kinh tế rất quan trọng.

11. At the start of the financial crisis, both advanced and emerging-market economies pumped money into “shovel-ready” infrastructure projects to boost short-term economic growth and create jobs.

12. Abm perfectly complements the traditional, short-term marketing goal of generating leads with efforts aimed at driving long-term revenue growth

13. Economic growth is slow.

14. Economic activity is projected to remain strong and the medium-term outlook is for robust growth to continue.

15. It will accelerate the adjustment back towards the medium-term budgetary objective without putting economic growth at risk.

16. Economic growth improves lives unobtrusively.

17. Economic growth and social inclusion

Tăng trưởng kinh tế và hòa nhập xã hội

18. Failure to act now could also constrain long-term productivity and hence India’s economic growth prospects, the report says.

19. Uncertainty surrounding the short-term economic outlook is amplified by the increasing possibility of a war with Iraq

20. However, in a growth-less economy, Catabolic capitalism is the most profitable, short-term alternative for those in power

21. The FOMC uses the federal funds target rate as one of its principal tools for managing inflation and the pace of economic growth .

Ủy ban Thị trường Tự do Liên bang ( FOMC ) sử dụng lãi suất mục tiêu quỹ liên bang như là một trong những công cụ chủ yếu để kiềm chế lạm phát và điều tiết tốc độ tăng trưởng kinh tế .

22. This short term growth as well as the reduction is based on the amitotic division of the heart muscle.

23. The military buildup spurred economic growth.

Việc xây dựng lực lượng quân sự kích thích sự phát triển kinh tế.

24. Economic growth has slowed a little.

25. Residents who have a short-term permit and who exercise an economic activity shall be included in the quota.