shocking in Vietnamese

@shocking /'ʃɔkiɳ/
* tính từ
- chướng, khó coi
=shocking behaviour+ thái độ chướng, thái độ khó coi
- làm căm phẫn, làm kinh tởm; làm sửng sốt
=shocking news+ tin làm sửng sốt
!shocking bad
- (thông tục) xấu không thể chịu được
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-điện giật
-sự điện giật

Sentence patterns related to "shocking"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shocking" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shocking", or refer to the context using the word "shocking" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. This is shocking.

Điều này là gây sốc.

2. Shocking AIDS Statistics!

Thống kê kinh hoàng về AIDS!

3. That was shocking.

Thật khó coi.

4. My memory is shocking.

5. This is quite shocking!

Thật đáng căm phẫn!

6. Shocking Shooting Suffering Substitutes!

Tống đình bổ dụng Dư Hối lên thay Dư Giới.

7. I've got a shocking cold.

8. A shocking incident of bumping!

9. The media coverage was shocking.

10. The food here is shocking.

11. His attitude was shocking to her.

12. The shocking moment when the Cyclist …

13. We can't abet shocking behavior tonight.

14. What a shocking state of affairs!

15. He seems to enjoy shocking people.

16. Brazen describes something shocking or done shamelessly

17. 17 What many religions teach is shocking.

17 Nhiều tôn giáo dạy những điều thật khủng khiếp.

18. The news came as a shocking blow.

19. I was greeted by a shocking sight.

20. The near miss is exciting; even shocking.

21. She took pleasure in shocking her parents.

22. The most shocking Bloodbaths in UFC history

23. It was a shocking abdication of responsibility.

24. Shocking, since you still have the keys.

Choáng váng, từ đoạn cậu vẫn có chìa khóa.

25. Her racy stories can be rather shocking.

26. Such assaults are shocking but not surprising.

27. The anger in his face was shocking.

28. Some spoke up, calling Jesus’ speech shocking.

Một số người nói rằng lời dạy của Chúa Giê-su thật khó chấp nhận.

29. in the shocking seethe of her stench.

trong sự ngỡ ngàng bỗ lên từ mùi thối

30. The path was in a shocking state .

31. It is shocking that nothing was said.

32. The shocking revelations caused quite a storm.

33. This was a shocking invasion of privacy.

34. 23 She took pleasure in shocking her parents.

35. What a shocking, unexpected development that will be!

Quả là một biến chuyển đầy kinh ngạc bất ngờ!

36. At this shocking impiety, the tumult died away.

37. Definition of Astounding (adjective): extremely surprising or shocking

38. They can be shocking or silly or soulful.

Chúng có thể gây sốc, có thể ngu ngốc hay chứa chan biết bao điều.

39. It's shocking how students can't spell these days.

40. She enjoys shocking people by saying outrageous things.

41. • She Behaved in a shocking way towards her

42. Their speech was disgraceful; their conduct was “shocking.”

Họ nói năng bất kính; hạnh kiểm đáng xấu hổ.

43. Chauhan learns many shocking truths of Peter's area.

44. The house was left in a shocking state.

45. Then there was a shocking commonality among Admirers

46. Definition of Appalling (adjective): very unpleasant and shocking

47. This need not be shocking; try to understand.

48. The Day Breakers case is shocking the nation.

Sát nhân trằng đang gây sốc trong phạm vi cả nước.

49. It does contain shocking footage of concentration camps.

50. Unstabilized Chlorine, or shock, is used for weekly shocking.