shipping company in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-công ty hàng hải
-công ty tàu biển
-công ty vận tải biển
-xí nghiệp vận tải
-xí nghiệp vận tải bộ
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: giao thông & vận tải
-công ty vận tải biển
-hãng hàng hải

Sentence patterns related to "shipping company"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shipping company" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shipping company", or refer to the context using the word "shipping company" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. It's a shipping company based in Cyprus.

Đó là một công ty vận tải biển đóng ở Cyprus.

2. He is working in a shipping company.

3. Or maybe a shipping company in Buenos Aires.

hoặc có thể là một công ty vận chuyển ở Buenos Aires.

4. Summers'cover in Saudi was for a shipping company.

Vỏ bọc của Summers ở Saudi là làm cho công ty vận tải.

5. Cuno was also general director of the Hapag shipping company.

Cuno cũng là tổng giám đốc của công ty vận tải Hapag.

6. I think the shipping company is an al-Qaeda front.

Tôi nghĩ công ty vận tải biển là vỏ che mắt của al-Qaeda.

7. I think he's moving the money to a shipping company.

Tôi nghĩ hắn đang chuyển tiền cho một công ty vận tải biển.

8. It is a shipping company, but one whose business is charity.

Đó là một công ty vận tải biển, nhưng cũng làm cả hoạt động từ thiện,

9. It is, firstly, a contract between the shipper and the shipping company.

10. Eugen Maersk is a container ship owned by the Danish shipping company Maersk.

Eugen Maersk là một tàu công-ten-nơ sở hữu bởi công ty vận chuyển Maersk Đan Mạch.

11. His father Kiyoshi was an employee, later a general manager, of a shipping company.

Cha ông, Ishihara Kiyoshi là một nhân viên, sau đó trở thành Tổng giám đốc của một công ty vận tải hàng hải.

12. The tax benefit thus accrues to the shipping company and not to the individual seafarers

13. 24 If shipping company can grasp this one opportunity, its market potential will be inestimable.

14. Thoyt has been trying to buy the Delaney Shipping Company from your father for three years.

Thoyt đã cố mua Công ty Vận tải Delaney từ bố cậu suốt ba năm.

15. As for valuable goods shipped by sea , the shipping company will charge an ad valorem rate.

16. It was long wholly owned by shipping company Erik Thun and had 56 employees (at March 2007).

Hãng thuộc sở hữu hoàn toàn của Erik Thun (công ty tàu biển) và có 56 nhân viên (tháng 3 năm 2007).

17. The captain was just a scapegoat. The real villains were the people in charge of the shipping company.

18. He was now an official with a shipping company, on his way to Nakhodka to inspect a damaged freighter.

19. Arctia is a shipping company that produces icebreaking, oil spill and offshore services as well as port assistance services

20. After working as a clerk for a Japanese-owned shipping company, he became its owner and became very rich.

Sau khi làm thư ký cho một công ty hàng hải của Nhật, ông trở thành chủ công ty và trở nên giàu có.

21. Alexandra met Prince Joachim at a party in Hong Kong, where he was working for a Danish shipping company.

Alexandra gặp Hoàng tử Joachim của Đan Mạch trong một bữa tiệc tại Hồng Kông, khi ông này đến đây để làm việc cho một công ty vận chuyển Đan Mạch.

22. A PNG owned shipping company, Bismark Maritime Limited has been operating first class coastal shipping services since its establishment in 1990

23. The decommissioned escort carrier was sold to J & A T Vatis, a Greek shipping company, and renamed Captain Theo in 1952.

Nó được bán cho hãng tày Hy Lạp J & A T Vatis, và được đổi tên thành Captain Theo vào năm 1952.

24. 20 hours ago · The ship is owned by Container shipping company Evergreen Line.The Ever Given was built in 2018

25. In 1963 Mr. Schröder sold 49% of the company to four equal shipping company shareholders (12.25% each, these eventually combining as Nedlloyd).

Năm 1963 Mr. Schröder bán 49% cổ phần cho 4 công ty hàng hải (sau đó hãng Nedlloyd mua hết cổ phần của 3 hãng hàng hải kia).

26. Huffam is thought to be the inspiration for Paul Dombey, the owner of a shipping company in Dickens's novel Dombey and Son (1848).

Huffam được cho là nguồn cảm hứng cho Paul Dombey, chủ sở hữu của một công ty vận tải biển trong tác phẩm cùng tên Dombey và các con (1848) của Dickens.

27. As for the countries it will stop over and its specific schedule, I suggest you refer your questions to the relevant shipping company.

28. Breadbox is a dynamic shipping company and can be considered a "West Africa specialist" in providing creative and alternative shipping options to its clients.

29. Benelux Overseas is a leading integrated shipping company founded in 1997 and involved in the global transportation of petrochemicals, LPG, ethylene, and vast number of other petrochemicals

30. Feore of Mobile started and built a shipping company comprised of 23 vessels, seven steel and iron hulled square rigged vessels as well as 16 other three masted lumber schooners and Barkentines

31. Austro-Americana was an Austrian shipping company founded in 1895 by the Austrian hauler Gottfried August Schenker and Scottish shipping merchant William Burell to establish a freight line between Austria and North America, initially with an …

32. A DPRK-flagged tanker, SAM MA 2 owned by Korea Samma Shipping Company, conducted a ship-to-ship transfer of oil and fabricated documents in mid-October 2017, loading almost 1 600 metric tons of fuel oil in one transaction.

33. A DPRK-flagged tanker, SAM MA 2 owned by Korea Samma Shipping Company, conducted a ship-to-ship transfer of oil and fabricated documents in mid-October 2017, loading almost 1 600 metric tonnes of fuel oil in one transaction.

34. Today marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.One of the best articles regarding the event is written by Dr Jerry Newcombe entitled Who Christened the Titanic?.The short answer appears to be that the Oceanic Steam Navigation Company, a British shipping company commonly called White Star Line did not believe in the custom