shift effect hypothesis in Vietnamese

@Shift effect hypothesis
- (Econ) Giả thuyết về hiệu ứng dịch chuyển.
+ Lập luận cho rằng chính sách thu nhập có thể ảnh hưởng đến việc dịch chuyển đường Phillips sang bên trái, do đó tạo ra một mức tiền lương thâp hơn và / hoặc làm lạm phát giá đối với những giá trị cho trước của các yếu tố quyết định chúng trước hết là mức thất nghiệp.

Sentence patterns related to "shift effect hypothesis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shift effect hypothesis" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shift effect hypothesis", or refer to the context using the word "shift effect hypothesis" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Another physiological hypothesis is known as non-conscious mimicry, or the chameleon effect.

Một giả thuyết sinh lý khác được biết đến như là một sự bắt chước không có ý thức, hay là hiệu ứng tắc kè hoa.

2. The first new effect is the gravitational frequency shift of light.

Hiệu ứng mới đầu tiên đó là dịch chuyển tần số do hấp dẫn của ánh sáng.

3. This observation supports the hypothesis that the Westermarck effect evolved because it suppressed inbreeding.

Điều này thống nhất với giả thuyết rằng hiệu ứng Westermarck được giữ lại trong quá trình tiến hóa vì nó tránh việc giao phối gần.

4. These results show a significant positive effect of maturity on volatility, and this contradicts the Samuelson hypothesis of a negative effect.

5. The effect of this shift was a highly synchronized but relatively mild recession.

6. This trend was interpreted as a shift in demand in favour of non-production workers and was attributed to the SBTC hypothesis.

7. effect on the entire transport industry, and in particular any shift to alternative transport carriers;

8. effect on the entire transport industry, and in particular any shift to alternative transport carriers

9. From the interim analysis, the study hypothesis of an adverse effect on breast cancer risk has no support

10. Using a dynamic economic model with a life_cycle hypothesis, this paper examines the effect of population change on economy.

11. I made a hypothesis, a ridiculous hypothesis.

12. Thus, new approaches are needed to effect a shift to sustainable energy paths in the coming decades

13. Relativized Antimetricality hypothesis

14. The results refute the hypothesis of the action of thalidomide as an acylating agent responsible for the embryotoxic and teratogenic effect.

15. Tunnel Mystery Hypothesis

16. The Abney effect describes the perceived hue shift that occurs when white light is added to a monochromatic light source.

17. That is my hypothesis.

18. The mosaic hypothesis.

19. Objective: The study assessed the effect of early iron supplementation of Breastfed infants and tested the hypothesis that iron supplementation enhances iron status.

20. Shift work.

Làm việc theo ca.

21. All this is mere hypothesis.

22. 16 Disable a previous shift up or shift down.

23. AG: Okay, hypothesis two.

24. The Broaden hypothesis and the build hypothesis, including a focus on upward spiral dynamics

25. The parameters contain impulse noise, memory effect, scan correlated shift, coherent noise, random noise, dropped lines, inoperable detectors, saturated detectors, MTF, system resolution.