shed with flat slope in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-mái che mặt dốc phẳng

Sentence patterns related to "shed with flat slope"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shed with flat slope" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shed with flat slope", or refer to the context using the word "shed with flat slope" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. A Built up roof system is a popular choice for buildings with low-slope or flat roofs

2. A Built up roof system is a popular choice for buildings with low-slope or flat roofs

3. Other mountains appear to be tilted crustal blocks, with a shallow slope from the formerly flat surface and a steep slope consisting of formerly sub-surface materials uplifted by compressive stresses.

Những ngọn núi khác thường có vẻ là những khối lớp vỏ bị nghiêng, với một sườn thoải từ bề mặt phẳng trước kia và một sườn dốc gồm những vật liệu thuộc lớp dưới bề mặt trước kia bị đẩy lên bởi các ứng suất nén ép.

4. Modified Bitumen – Modified Bitumen is a great roofing material for low and flat slope roofs

5. But that basic math accounts both for the steep slope and for the long, flat tail.

6. Moreover, the flow adjustment part (8) has an approximately truncated cone shape provided with a slope section (9) and a flat section (10).

7. Like most of the Yucatan Peninsula José María Morelos is entirely flat with a gentle slope towards the sea, so from west to east.

Giống như hầu hết bán đảo Yucatan, José María Morelos hoàn toàn bằng phẳng với một độ dốc thoai thoải hướng ra biển, từ tây sang đông.

8. The Bigeye Ocean Perch lives in deep sea levels, on flat, hard seabeds in upper continental slope waters

9. Paint the shed with weather-resistant paint.

10. On the North Slope, a flat tundra, the oil rig or derrick constitutes the only “tree” within hundreds of miles

11. The difference between a Beveled subway tile and the original, flat, brick shape is a gentle slope down to the edges

12. It is one of the oldest procedures of waterproofing, which consists of laying Brickbats on the flat RCC roof and grouting the same with waterproofing compound with a slope to drain […]

13. 10 The shed was roofed with dried straw.

14. Trees shed their leaves and flowers shed their petals.

15. Imagine living in the second dimension... flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams.

16. Slope excavation controller of hydraulic shovel, target slope setting device and slope excavation forming method

17. In a simple horizontal loom a flat “shed stick” was placed across the warp under alternate warp threads, and by turning it on edge, one “shed” was made, through which the woof thread was passed in one direction.

18. Ski slope and method for producing a ski slope

19. Fifteen 100 m long transects were placed using random coordinates within two soil–geomorphology units (flat alluvial terraces and dissected ridge-slope-swale terrain).

20. Apophyllite with mix zeolite 24pieces Flat Natural Mineral Specimen # 24 Flat 03

21. Butte, (French: hillock or rising ground) flat-topped hill surrounded by a steep escarpment from the bottom of which a slope descends to the plain

22. If Slope of AB = slope of BC = slope of AC, then A, B and C are Collinear points

23. Cuesta (plural Cuestas) (geomorphology) A hill or ridge with a gentle slope on one side, and a steep slope on the other

24. The Shed Series Cupolas are manufactured specifically for your backyard storage shed

25. The wind is associated with surface cooling of the slope.