sheaf in Vietnamese

@sheaf /ʃi:f/
danh từ, số nhiều sheaves
- bó, lượm, thếp
=a sheaf of flowers+ bó hoa
=a sheaf of rice-plants+ lượm lúa
=a sheaf of papers+ thếp giấy
ngoại động từ
- bó thành bó, bó thành lượm
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: toán & tin
-bó, chùm

Sentence patterns related to "sheaf"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sheaf" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sheaf", or refer to the context using the word "sheaf" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Sheaf binders of metal

2. Bud or bloom fruited sheaf.

3. He brandished a sheaf of documents.

4. He picked up a sheaf of papers.

5. Stephanie appeared with a sheaf of papers.

6. He waved a sheaf of documents at me.

7. This essentially implies that the presheaf is a sheaf.

8. He had a sheaf of papers under his arm.

9. He laid a sheaf of documents on the desk.

10. She moved the sheaf of papers into position.

11. There is a sheaf of starlight belongs to me.

12. He took out of his briefcase a sheaf of invitations.

13. I saw her put a sheaf of notes into her briefcase.

14. Wendy stood up nervously, taking a sheaf of papers from her bag.

15. The speaker came into the hall carrying a sheaf of notes.

16. She stood up and took a sheaf of papers out of her bag.

17. McGarron had installed himself on the bed, and was looking through his sheaf of papers.

18. He thrust his hand between a sheaf of loosened papers and crackled them.

19. In the first dream, Joseph saw himself and his brothers, each binding a sheaf of grain.

Trong giấc mơ thứ nhất, Giô-sép thấy mình và các anh trai đang bó lúa ngoài đồng.

20. A sheaf of barley would then be brought to the high priest, who offered it to Jehovah.

Sau đó, một bó lúa được mang đến cho thầy tế lễ để dâng lên cho Đức Giê-hô-va.

21. 14 Christie's auctioneer Colin Sheaf mounted his rostrum in front of a wall of 100 blue and white vases.

22. God told the Israelites: “You must . . . bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest.

Đức Chúa Trời nói với dân Y-sơ-ra-ên: “Hãy đem đến cho thầy tế-lễ một bó lúa đầu mùa của các ngươi.

23. Instead he took a sheaf of glossy photographs from his portmanteau and pushed them across the table towards the Corsican.

24. In some regions the farmers believed that a spirit resided in the last sheaf of grain to be harvested.

Ở một vài vùng, nông dân tin rằng có một thần linh ở trong lượm ngũ cốc cuối cùng được thu hoạch.

25. Christie's auctioneer Colin Sheaf mounted his rostrum in front of a wall of 100 blue and white vases.

26. You will soon be released," the Sergeant said, and began to read a sheaf of dog-eared football-pool coupons.

27. 17 Instead he took a sheaf of glossy photographs from his portmanteau and pushed them across the table towards the Corsican.

28. A sheaf of the new barley harvest was offered every year on Nisan 16, the day that Jesus was resurrected

Một bó lúa mạch mới gặt được dâng lên mỗi năm vào ngày 16 Ni-san, ngày Chúa Giê-su được sống lại

29. Sumerians harvested during the spring in three-person teams consisting of a reaper, a binder, and a sheaf handler.

Người Sumer thu hoạch vào mùa xuân với những tổ ba người gồm một thợ gặt, một người buộc lúa, và một người lượm.

30. A police officer with a sheaf of papers before him was using the desk telephone presumably still checking alibis.

31. At this point, a large man in a brown three-piece suit ahead of me looked up from a sheaf of notes.

32. They started in small workshops in the upper course valleys of the River Don and its tributaries, such as the River Sheaf.

33. I was more interested in Paul, a shy boy who peeked out from under a sheaf of straight black hair.

34. 15 “‘You are to count seven sabbaths from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you bring the sheaf of the wave offering.

15 Các ngươi phải đếm bảy ngày Sa-bát kể từ ngày sau ngày Sa-bát đó, tức là từ ngày mà các ngươi đem đến bó lúa của lễ vật đưa qua đưa lại.

35. Other common elements in depictions of Inari, and sometimes of their kitsune, include a sickle, a sheaf or sack of rice, and a sword.

Các yếu tố phổ biến khác trong mô tả về Inari, và đôi khi là về kitsune của họ, bao gồm một lưỡi liềm, một bó lúa hoặc bao gạo và một thanh kiếm.

36. In early spring, during the Festival of Unfermented Cakes, the Israelites presented to God a sheaf of the firstfruits of the barley harvest.

Vào đầu xuân, trong dịp Lễ Bánh Không Men, những người Y-sơ-ra-ên dâng cho Đức Chúa Trời một lượm lúa mạch đầu mùa.

37. 19 “When you reap your harvest from your field and you have forgotten a sheaf in the field, do not go back to get it.

19 Khi anh em thu hoạch mùa màng và để quên một bó lúa ngoài ruộng thì đừng quay lại lấy.

38. Hence, the cutting of the sheaf for the Festival of Unfermented Cakes could be done by a delegation sent to a nearby barley field.

Do đó, một nhóm người đại diện có thể được phái đến một ruộng lúa gần đó để cắt bó lúa cho Lễ Bánh Không Men.

39. "Anyway, your case is a small matter. You will soon be released," the Sergeant said, and began to read a sheaf of dog-eared football-pool coupons.

40. 12 On the day you have the sheaf waved, you must offer a sound young ram in its first year, as a burnt offering to Jehovah.

41. A sheaf of the firstfruits from the barley harvest was presented at the temple as an offering to Jehovah during the Festival of Unleavened Bread, in March or April.

Một bó lúa mạch đầu mùa được dâng lên Đức Giê-hô-va tại đền thờ trong kỳ Lễ Bánh Không Men vào tháng 3 hoặc tháng 4.

42. Converge A request or command used in a call for fire to indicate that the observer or spotter desires a sheaf in which the planes of fire intersect at a point

43. 1955 Alexander Grothendieck in lectures in Kansas defines abelian category and presheaf, and by using injective resolutions allows direct use of sheaf cohomology on all topological spaces, as derived functors.

44. This year’s Seattle International Film Festival (aka SIFF, pronounced “sheaf”) promises once again to bring the mumbliest, Blurriest, subtitle-y-est of global indie film right to our immaculately groomed front yard

45. Androcles Anderson was a male resident of the Capitol and a student of the Academy.He was one of 24 top-performing seniors at the Academy selected to be a mentor for the 10th Hunger Games.He was assigned the female tribute from District 9, Sheaf.

46. Baba, babka (a special, delicate ritual bread that is blessed by a priest at Easter) Synonym: ба́бка ( bábka ) Baba ( a name given to сніп ( snip ) at Christmas, a sheaf of grain (wheat or rye), brought into the home for Christmas Eve supper свята́ вече́ря ( svjatá večérja ) , placed in a corner of the room and later