semitism in Vietnamese

@semitism /'semitizm/
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- phong cách Xê-mít

Sentence patterns related to "semitism"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "semitism" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "semitism", or refer to the context using the word "semitism" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Anti-Semitism or Antisemitism? Anti-Zionism; ADL Global 100 Index of Anti-Semitism (2016) Bibliography; Black-Jewish Relations; Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Movement (BDS) The City Without Jews (1924 film) Forum for Combatting Anti-Semitism Online Anti-Semitism Report (2013) Global Trends in Anti-Semitism (2012) Graph of Violent Anti-Semitic

2. Antisemitism (also spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) is hostility to, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews

3. Anti-Semitism: Explicitly referenced in recent decades is the comparison between antimutant sentiment and anti-Semitism.

Bài xích Do Thái: Một sự ám chỉ rõ ràng trong những thập niên gần đây, đó là sự so sánh việc chống dị nhân với chống Do Thái.

4. The experience supposedly deepened his already visceral anti-Semitism.

5. A wooden sculpture titled "Abraham" reeked of anti-Semitism.

6. His editorial polemics, however, were jaundiced by anti-Semitism.

7. But anti-Zionism is becoming akin to anti-Semitism.

8. The extreme right-wing National Front promoted anti-semitism.

9. And anti-Semitism in Europe culminated in an unprecedented holocaust.

10. The documents betray a deep anti-Semitism in the country.

11. 10 His editorial polemics, however, were jaundiced by anti-Semitism.

12. “Inquisition and Anti-Semitism —The Church Is Preparing Her Mea Culpa.”

“Tòa Án Dị Giáo và sự bài xích người Do Thái—Giáo Hội chuẩn bị nhận lỗi (Mea Culpa)”.

13. Cosmopolitanism became difficult to disentangle from its overtones of anti - semitism.

14. Instances of day-to-day anti-Semitism were less common than imagined.

15. During the 1930s, as anti-Semitism became an organized mass-movement, the league diversified.

16. The links between anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, and anti-Americanism are all too real.

17. The same adulation of Hitler, praise of the Third Reich, anti-Semitism, racism, prejudice.

Cùng là sự tôn sùng Hít-le, ca ngợi Đức Quốc Xã, bài xích người Do Thái, định kiến, phân biệt chủng tộc.

18. Vaccines Republicans Altercation Media Music Israel-Palestine Politics Television anti-Semitism coronavirus Books

19. Anti-Apartheidism and Anti-Beinartism are not Anti-Semitism' Mar 24, 2019 @ 21:35 at 21:35

20. Novick stops short of saying so, but it is among blacks that anti-semitism is most virulent.

21. The plagues of aggressive nationalism, racism, chauvinism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and ethnic tension are still widespread.

22. -The Ashkenazi Jews wanted to colonize Palestine and therefore promoted anti-Semitism from the French Revolution on

23. The court may be surprised to learn that the snowman’s past contains a whiff of anti-Semitism.

24. The participants, mostly black males, were criticized for following Farrakhan, who has been accused of anti-Semitism.

25. From that time, his anti-Semitism grew so shrill and scurrilous that its virulence still makes one wince.

26. Anti-Apartheidism and Anti-Beinartism are not only NOT Anti-Semitism’, they are simply protectors of existential human rights.

27. A canard of anti-Semitism is that there is a secret group of powerful Jews running the country.

28. Steinthal summed up these predispositions as "Semitism", and so Steinschneider characterised Renan's ideas as "anti-Semitic prejudice".

Steinthal đã tóm tắt những khuynh hướng này là "Chủ nghĩa Do Thái", và vì thế Steinschneider đã mô tả các ý tưởng của Renan là "định kiến bài Do Thái".

29. Relying on the mainstream media, one would think that white supremacists are the primary Culprits responsible for anti-Semitism

30. However, I believe you’ve made a grave error in your blanket acquittal of Martin Luther from “Catholic anti- Semitism.”

31. Jewish-owned shops were shut down. Swastikas replaced six-pointed stars. The walls of anti-Semitism were closing in.

32. Relying on the mainstream media, one would think that white supremacists are the primary Culprits responsible for anti-Semitism

33. Oxford college master Apologises to Jewish students after inviting filmmaker Ken Loach to give talk despite anti-Semitism row

34. The plagues of aggressive nationalism, racism, chauvinism, xenophobia(sentence dictionary), anti-semitism and ethnic tension are still widespread.

35. Moreover Pound's anti-Semitism, later so notorious, certainly casts a sinister light on his readiness to broach these issues.

36. Following Rothermere's defection, radical voices within the movement suggested the use of open anti-semitism to stimulate popular response.

37. Corruption, disease, cancer, infection, rot, blight, scourge, corrosion, bane The Canker of anti-semitism is growing again in this country

38. He grew up in the turbulent years under the Weimar Republic with anti-Semitism galloping and inflation out of control.

39. Antisemitic - relating to or characterized by anti-Semitism; hating Jews anti-semitic Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection.

40. Some detected revealing omissions, such as his failure to mention the anti-Semitism that was associated with atrocities at Auschwitz.

Một số người nhận thấy ông lờ đi vài điểm quan trọng, chẳng hạn như chủ nghĩa bài xích Do Thái liên quan đến những hành động tàn ác ở Auschwitz.

41. Karlin relates the oppressive anti-Semitism his forebears endured in a vague, almost elliptical style with dips into the stream of consciousness.

42. The anti-Semitism that he there encountered made him more conscious of the Jewishness that had not been particularly important to him before.

43. At this point, I should like to clarify a question or two which the reader may find puzzling, such as anti-semitism.

44. 10 Karlin relates the oppressive anti-Semitism his forebears endured in a vague, almost elliptical style with dips into the stream of consciousness.

45. ADL has adopted the spelling of “antisemitism” instead of “anti-Semitism.” After reviewing the history and consulting with other leading experts, we’ve determined that …

46. Giraldi: Bowdlerizing language on behalf of Israel [email protected] May 27, 2020 anti-bds legislation , anti-Semitism , boycott divest sanction , David Friedman , Jeremy Corbyn , …

47. End of the 19th century, Europe has emerged large-scale wave of anti-Semitism, the Zionist movement and the ideas which have a corresponding rise.

48. Antisemitism (alternatively spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) is hostility toward or prejudice against Jews as a religious or racial/ethnic group, which can range in expression from individual hatred to institutionalized, violent persecution.While the term's etymology may imply that Antisemitism is directed against all Semitic peoples, it is in practice used exclusively to refer to

49. 21 An afternoon Islamic study group he joined during junior high school filled him with purpose, and eventually with anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and an abhorrence of photography.

50. In response to Germany's growing anti-Semitism, he became a passionate Zionist, yet he also expressed concern about the rights of Arabs in any Jewish state.