selling on an installment basis in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-bán theo phương thức trả góp

Sentence patterns related to "selling on an installment basis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "selling on an installment basis" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "selling on an installment basis", or refer to the context using the word "selling on an installment basis" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. If a car is bought on an installment basis , monthly payments are just a small part of the cost of operating it .

Nếu một chiếc xe được mua trên cơ sở trả góp , số tiền phải trả hàng tháng chỉ một phần nhỏ trong toàn bộ chi phí sử dụng nó .

2. Selling Futures Price Adjusted basis Final Cash Price Soybeans Hedge Result Final Net Selling Price

3. I default on the installment payment.

4. Each installment payment to the seller has three components: return of basis, capital gain, and ordinary income earned on the money in the annuity.

Mỗi khoản thanh toán trả góp cho người bán có ba thành phần: lãi cơ sở, tăng vốn và thu nhập bình thường kiếm được trên tiền trong niên kim.

5. This difference is typically expressed either as a percentage of selling price or on a per-unit basis.

Sự khác biệt này thường được biểu thị bằng tỷ lệ phần trăm của giá bán hoặc trên cơ sở mỗi đơn vị.

6. 4 Companies often purchase plant assets on an installment plan , or by issuing a note payable.

7. Collaboration can occur on an astronomical basis.

Sư hợp tác có thể xảy ra dựa trên cơ sở thiên văn học.

8. The department operates the accounting system on a cash basis and not on an accrual basis

9. Blepharoplasty is commonly performed on an outpatient basis

10. on an aggregate basis for the Member State:

11. Interest income is recorded on an accrual basis.

12. on an aggregate basis for the Member State

13. Third, banks are also selling Bsby-SOFR basis swaps, which allow borrowers to hedge any basis risk from the credit-sensitive benchmark.

14. I want to know what the business model is on a per- unit basis, or for the actual product you're selling.

Tôi muốn biết mô hình kinh doanh là gì trên cơ sở cho mỗi đơn vị, hay trên hàng hóa thực tế mà bạn đang bán.

15. sportspersons and artists performing an activity on an ad-hoc basis

16. The banks also reported an increased willingness to make consumer installment loans.

17. Gold listed on a recognised exchange, held on an allocated basis.

18. The insurance coverage is on an all-risks basis.

19. (c) on an aggregate basis for the Member State:

20. These tests are usually performed on an outpatient basis.

Những thử nghiệm này thường thực hiện cho bệnh nhân ngoại trú.

21. The limit is set on an account-level basis.

22. The Government accounts for transactions on an accrual basis.

23. Audits are carried out on an ad hoc basis.

24. * Figures are reflected on an accrual basis of accounting.

25. Breast Biopsies are usually done on an outpatient basis