self-sufficient in Vietnamese

@self-sufficient /'selfsə'fiʃənt/ (self-sufficing) /'selfsə'faisiɳ/
* tính từ
- tự túc, tự cung cấp, không phụ thuộc, độc lập
- tự phụ, tự mãn
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-tự cấp tự túc (về kinh tế)
-tự túc

Sentence patterns related to "self-sufficient"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "self-sufficient" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "self-sufficient", or refer to the context using the word "self-sufficient" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Only Pakistan remains self-sufficient.

Chỉ Pakistan vẫn còn khả năng tự cung cấp.

2. We are 75 percent. self-sufficient.

3. She's handicapped but very self-sufficient.

4. Self-Actualizers are autonomous, independent, and self sufficient

5. But they are never complete or self-sufficient.

6. The country is totally self-sufficient in food production.

7. The new technologies have made India agriculturally self-sufficient.

8. Britain used to be fully self-sufficient in coal.

9. France was self-sufficient in cereals, and exported its surplus.

10. An economically self-sufficient country Collins Discovery Explanation of Autarkies

11. Generally speaking we could say Cameroon is alimentary self-sufficient.

12. Paraguay produces enough basic food to be largely self-sufficient.

Paraguay sản xuất đủ lương thực cơ bản được chủ yếu là tự túc.

13. Using traditional methods poor farmers can be virtually self-sufficient.

14. An Autarky is a country that is completely self-sufficient

15. Many areas of the world still have self-sufficient rural economies.

16. This factory, should make Britain self-sufficient in blood by 19

17. Our mission is to build a self-sufficient Burundians community & other

18. Water - bearers get into the habit of creating completely self - sufficient lives.

19. Approximately 77 percent of Lao farm households are self-sufficient in rice.

Khoảng 77% nông hộ Lào tự cung cấp gạo.

20. Great back-to-the-land classic explains Basics of self-sufficient farming

21. Although she had various boyfriends, Madeleine was, and remains, fiercely self-sufficient.

22. Because of the vast distances involved, the first settlers were self-sufficient farmers.

Do khoảng cách xa xôi, những người định cư đầu tiên là các nông dân tự cung cấp.

23. Nations which are not self-sufficient in energy will face an insecure future.

24. We grew up in a close-knit, self-sufficient family with few outside friends.

25. Most participants had a healthy lifestyle , and around three quarters were financially self-sufficient .

Hầu hết những người tham dự có lối sống lành mạnh , và khoảng 3/4 độc lập về tài chính .

26. It had its own brickworks, cloth mill and farms, and was largely self-sufficient.

27. Further, education prepares individuals to be self-reliant and self-sufficient participants in society.

28. The inclusion of King Bhumibol's theory of a self-sufficient economy in the preamble.

Việc đưa lý thuyết Vua Bhumibol một nền kinh tế tự cung tự cấp trong lời mở đầu.

29. 3 Tamriel is a self-sufficient world abuzz with a life of its own.

30. Young people should learn to work so that, in time, they can be self-sufficient.

Người trẻ nên học làm một công việc nào đó để sau này có thể tự nuôi sống bản thân.

31. ABiotic factors are self-sufficient; they can survive even without the presence of Biotic factors

32. Meat Curing is a useful skill to lean and part of homesteading and self sufficient living.

33. Measures taken by the Government have enabled Uzbekistan to become self-sufficient in grain and oil

34. The small townships and villages of the backlands thus lived in isolation, largely self-sufficient and introspective.

35. The programme aims to make the country self-sufficient in food production and to cut energy imports.

36. Bureaus will also be self-sufficient in respect of the technical information needed for industrial policy-making.

37. Biocenosis definition, a self-sufficient community of naturally occurring organisms occupying and interacting within a specific biotope

38. Ambassador provided an easy path forward at Greenlight for Kubernetes adoption and empowering self sufficient engineering teams

39. As exports and imports fell, import substitution 6 abounded, and the colonial economy became considerably more self - sufficient .

40. People don't like neediness, being independent shows that you are self sufficient and can take care of yourself.

41. All the initial Belligerents in World War I were self-sufficient in food except Great Britain and Germany

42. Autonomous: (Independent), adjective detached , exxsting as an independent entity, free , free to choose , self-reliant , self-sufficient , self-supporting

43. The implication was you had to have your own world, you had to be self-sufficient in that way.

44. Autarky is a condition of being self-sufficient in which a country survives without engaging in any international trade

45. A self-sufficient settlement is analogous to a pin worker who must cut, bend, attach, and deliver by himself.

46. The United States, by contrast, is self-sufficient in most of these products, with surplus supply in several cases.

47. After spending time in a shelter, some are able to become self-sufficient again and find their own accommodations.

48. Visual sensibility is a prerequisite of art appreciation, and a genuine aesthetic experience is both self-sufficient and disinterested.

49. Independence. People don't like neediness, being independent shows that you are self sufficient and can take care of yourself.

50. Such practical skills are intended to help girls develop their abilities to be self-sufficient and to earn a livelihood.