self-convicted in Vietnamese

@self-convicted /'selfkən'viktid/
* tính từ
- tự tuyên án là có tội

Sentence patterns related to "self-convicted"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "self-convicted" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "self-convicted", or refer to the context using the word "self-convicted" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. He's not convicted yet.

Hắn vẫn chưa bị kết án.

2. He's a convicted felon.

3. Galileo Convicted of Heresy

Ga-li-lê bị kết án dị giáo

4. I'm a convicted federal felon.

5. He was convicted of felony.

6. They were convicted of espionage.

7. Fighters are convicted violent felons.

Các tù nhân rất hung bạo.

8. She was convicted of shoplifting.

9. He was convicted of murder.

10. She has twice been convicted .

11. He was convicted of rape.

12. Fighters are convicted violent felons

Những đấu sĩ dều là những kẻ vi phạm tội ác tàn bạo nghiêm trọng

13. He was convicted of homicide.

14. He was convicted and fined $1,000.

Ông bị xét có tội và bị kêu án phạt là $1.000 đô la.

15. They faced life imprisonment if convicted.

16. Each convicted person engaged at work is insured against disability or body damage caused by the accident at work or professional disease, except for self-injury

17. The defendant was convicted of murder.

18. He was convicted on fraud charges .

19. He's confessed, He's a convicted murderer.

Hắn đã nhận tội rồi mà, Hắn là can phạm giết người.

20. He was convicted of attempted rape .

21. O'Brien was convicted of Buncoing nulus T

22. And if convicted death by lethal injection.

Và nếu có đủ chứng cớ sẽ là án tử bằng tiêm thuốc.

23. He was convicted to be a felon.

24. They were convicted on forensic evidence alone.

25. The prisoner is a convicted drug smuggler.