selection board in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-hội đồng tuyển chọn, ủy ban đặc biệt

Sentence patterns related to "selection board"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "selection board" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "selection board", or refer to the context using the word "selection board" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Chaplain applicants must submit an application to a selection board

2. After advertising the processes, the selection board received forty-one applications.

3. The Selection Board assessed this ability by means of the written test.

4. That information related to an e-mail message which a selection board member had addressed to another selection board member before the board had completed its assessment of the candidates.

5. The selection board interviewed him and rejected his application without further ado.

6. Now for Mr. Bruneau's arguments about the actual conclusions the Selection Board reached.

7. With the exception of A1, the selection board set no pass mark for each individual qualification.

8. By indicating re-organization instead of identifying a specific action was not clear to the selection board.

9. The curriculum vitae served no other purpose than to facilitate and accelerate the proceedings of the selection board.

10. The Personal Suitability qualifications were assessed globally by the Selection Board using the previously introduced Adjectival Scoring Guide.

11. In consideration of all of the above information, I am satisfied that hat the selection board acted reasonably.

12. Officials ° Competitions ° Assessment of candidates' abilities ° Power of assessment of the selection board ° Review by the Court ° Limits

13. The selection board found the appellant not qualified in the Abilities and Personal Suitability portions of the competition.

14. Central Airmen Selection Board Brar Square,Delhi Cantt, New Delhi-110 010 CASB Reception (24/7) contact No


16. The latter criteria fall within the selection board' s absolute discretion and are covered by the secrecy of the proceedings.

17. It should also be noted that the abilitity to prepare and deliver presentations in A4 was not assessed by the selection board.

18. Mr. Facey, in criticizing the appellant's assessment, said that the selection board had abdicated its responsibility by adopting the opinions of the referees.

19. Her narrative remarks were absolutely minimal, and I could not identify anything in them that the Selection Board might have related to Results Orientation.

20. Subsection 9(2) of the Regulations, supra in paragraph 49, sets out the acceptable language qualifications for Selection Board members who are assessing candidates’ qualifications.

21. This is proposed to be further extended for another five years with other requisite changes for effective discharge of Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) functions.

22. He recalled that the Selection Board Chairperson alluded to some difficulty in the arrangement of the appellant’s assessment and asked if he had concerns with the appellant’s attendance.

23. It is unfortunate that the department or the Selection Board did not issue an admendment to the original notice contained in the Statement of Qualifications of this assessment change.

24. The work of the Selection Board ends with the drawing up of a list (in alphabetical order) of applicants suitable and a list of applicants unsuitable to occupy the position advertised.

25. In the present selection process, the selection board was faced with a statement of qualifications containing several sub-factors listed under each of the main qualification headings - Knowledge, Abilities and Personal Suitability.

26. * * * * * Witness Roy Ridlington responded initially by referring to the usefulness of the assessment criteria for personal suitability (exhibit D-24) and the range of scores open to the selection board in the adjectival scoring guide (exhibit D-25).

27. Not only had the Selection Board members the authority to review the assessment done by an external consultant, they had an obligation to do so; if not they would have abdicated their responsibility for a selection according to merit.

28. (b) holding of office by the Chairperson and Members of the Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) for a period of 3 years from assumption of charge or until attaining the age of 65 years or until further orders whichever is earlier;

29. Candidates were assessed against a pre-determined set of criteria (Refer to any SRG - review question and expected response) Diagnostic Information Gathering was scored out of a possible thirty points and was assessed globally by the selection board using the previously introduced Adjectival Scoring Guide.

30. The appellants contended that the Selection Board failed to adhere to the timeframes for the conduct of the GCT test, failed to utilize a stop watch or accurate timepiece as prescribed in the test procedures and did not adhere to the requirements for non-admittance of late candidates.

31. In reference to Exhibit A18 (Gainer) this Appeal Board Decision is not relevant as the Selection Board did properly perform the function of assessing all candidates against the SoQ, as evident in the Rating Guide (Exhibit D7). [The department's representative dealt with the assessment of abilities A2, A4, and A5 in Exhibit D-29, above.]

32. With respect to the final allegation, the department had misunderstood the observations made by the Court in Nelson and Russell (supra) at paragraphs 26 through 28, the relevant portions of which read as follows: [26] ...Additionally a Selection Board errs in law when it does not require that candidates succeed on each of the advertized qualifications for a position.

33. As to the appellant's assertions of "agism" (that preference in selection for appointment allegedly went to younger employees in the department), the chairperson of the selection board testified that was clearly not so, as a number of candidates were at least 50 years of age, of whom at least 6-7 being considered qualified for management positions.