secundum quid in Vietnamese

@secundum quid /si'kʌndəmkwid/
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Sentence patterns related to "secundum quid"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "secundum quid" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "secundum quid", or refer to the context using the word "secundum quid" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. There would be no quid pro quo.

2. Analoga autem secundum Attributionem sunt, quorum nomen commune est, ratio autem secundum illud nomen est eadem secundum terminum, et diuersa secundum habitudines ad illum: ut sanum commune nomen est medicinae, urinae et animali; et ratio omnium in quantum sana sunt, ad unum terminum (sanitatem scilicet), diuersas dicit habitudines.

3. Can you lend me five quid?

4. Liber Iudicum Secundum Lxx Interpretes: Triplicem Textus Conformationem Recensuit …

5. Nam quid saluti nostrae opus sit, probe Animadverti

6. Ad quintum dicendum quod, si accidens accipiatur secundum quod dividitur contra substantiam, sic nihil potest esse medium inter substantiam et accidens, quia dividuntur secundum Affirmationem et negationem, scilicet secundum esse in subiecto et non esse in subiecto.

7. We stumped up eight quid each.

8. Actiones secundum fidei Phrase Meaning: action follows belief

9. Well, I'll give you some quid pro quo.

được, để tao cho mày tiền đền bù

10. She earns at least 600 quid a week.

11. Even labourers out there get fifty quid a week.

12. Some quid pro quo on withholding tax and dividends?

13. Maybe eighty quid a week coming in.

14. Me, a few quid for a handful of stories.

15. Si melius quid habes, Accerse, vel imperium fer

16. I'll pay you back that two quid tomorrow.

17. Five quid says you can' t do it again

18. I forked out ten quid for/on the ticket.

19. Few lobbyists proffer an explicit quid pro quo to elected officials.

20. Actiones secundum fidei We make choices which flow from our belief

21. Tualis: sed rectum iudicium habere de eis secundum quandam Connaturali tatem ad ipsa pertinet ad sapientiam secundum quod donum est Spiritus Sancti: sicut Dionysius dicit, in 2 cap

22. He did me for a thousand quid for that car.

23. It only costs a couple of quid to get in.

24. The superintendent used quid pro quo to change the work situation.

25. "If we don't use it, we're out a few hundred quid, Dan."

"Nếu ta không dùng nó, ta sẽ mất trắng đó Dan."