secessionist in Vietnamese

@secessionist /si'seʃnist/
* danh từ
- người chủ trương rút ra khỏi (tổ chức...), người chủ trương ly khai

Sentence patterns related to "secessionist"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "secessionist" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "secessionist", or refer to the context using the word "secessionist" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The government is trying to crush a secessionist movement.

2. Dalai is a political exile who engages in secessionist activities.

3. Abkhazia's secessionist government divides the entity's territory into seven districts (raion).

Chính phủ ly khai Abkhazia chia lãnh thổ do họ quản lý thành bảy huyện (raion).

4. Both were suspected to have links with the secessionist movement.

Cả hai người đều nghi ngờ có liên hệ với phong trào ly khai.

5. He arrived in California three days before the chaotic New Secessionist regime collapsed.

6. The stirring of renewed secessionist sentiments in Bosnia does the same.

7. Biafra definition, a former secessionist state (1967–70) in SE Nigeria, in W Africa

8. Biafra, secessionist western African state that unilaterally declared its independence from Nigeria in May 1967

9. Later, in December 1962, Thant ordered Operation Grandslam, which ended a secessionist insurgency in Congo.

Tháng 12 năm 1962, Thant ra lệnh tiến hành Chiến dịch Grand Slam, kết thúc nổi loạn ly khai tại Congo.

10. The operation proved to be decisive and ended the secessionist insurgency once and for all.

Chiến dịch tỏ ra kiên quyết và kết thúc nổi loạn ly khai.

11. Despite having no involvement in the secessionist movement, many of them were executed, notably Don Francisco Roxas.

Mặc dù không có sự tham gia trong phong trào ly khai, nhiều người trong số họ đã bị bắt, đặc biệt là Don Francisco Roxas.

12. 27 He calmed secessionist sentiment by dealing constructively with the regional parties of Kashmir, Assam and Punjab.

13. The Taiwan authorities should stop all secessionist activities and come back to the one China principle.

14. Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging, (English: Afrikaner Resistance Movement) (AWB) is a South African far right secessionist political organisation.

15. The entire Frieze showed for the first time at the secessionist exhibition in Berlin in 190

16. (Their secessionist adversaries used a few Fouga Magisters and other aircraft with relatively poor air combat capabilities.)

(Lực lượng ly khai sử dụng vài chiếc Fouga Magister và các máy bay khác có khả năng không chiến khá tồi).

17. 10 The entire Frieze showed for the first time at the secessionist exhibition in Berlin in 190

18. The war broke out when the new regimes tried to replace Yugoslav civilian and military forces with secessionist forces.

Chiến tranh bùng nổ khi những chính quyền mới tìm cách thay thế các lực lượng quân sự và dân sự của Nam Tư bằng những lực lượng ủng hộ ly khai.

19. He almost single-handedly brokered a peace deal with secessionist rebels in Chechnya last fall, thereby ending an inordinately bloody war.

20. In the late 1960s a secessionist movement in the New England region of the state led to a referendum on the issue.

Trong cuối thập niên 1960, một phong trào ly khai trong vùng New England đã dẫn tới một cuộc trưng cầu dân ý về vấn đề này.

21. An Anglophone secessionist state of “Ambazonia” has been declared on the border of Nigeria and includes Cameroon’s only oil refinery which is currently inoperable.

22. The Biafran war also known as the Nigerian Civil War was a war between the Nigerian Government and the state of secessionist

23. For most of the following decade, post-Soviet Georgia suffered from civil conflicts, secessionist wars in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and economic crisis.

Trong hầu hết các thập niên sau đó, Gruzia phải trải qua xung đội nội bộ, các cuộc chiến ly khai tại Abkhazia và Nam Ossetia, và cả khủng hoảng kinh tế.

24. Vlaams Blok (English: Flemish Block, or VB) was the name of a Belgian far-right and secessionist political party with an anti-immigration platform

25. The fugitive leader of a prominent Biafra secessionist group has been arrested and extradited to Nigeria to face trial, in a move likely to inflame …

26. When Hun Sen issued a letter to Akashi to declare his support for continued UNTAC's interim administration, Chakrapong and Sin Song dropped the secessionist threats.

Khi Hun Sen gửi một lá thư cho Akashi để tuyên bố sự ủng hộ của ông đối với việc tiếp tục sự quản lý lâm thời của UNTAC, Chakrapong và Sin Song đã từ bỏ các mối đe dọa ly khai.

27. Rice rejected the notion advanced by Russia and others that Kosovo independence will spur other secessionist movements, saying it cannot be seen as a precedent elsewhere.

28. Funds from the central Government, flowing from a peace agreement that resolved the province's 30-year-old secessionist conflict, are also helping to move things forward.

29. The resurgence of ethnic or sectarian conflicts; the growth of secessionist movements, insurgencies, and failed states -- all these things have increasingly trapped civilians in unending chaos.

30. But the United States remains adamantly opposed to such a deal between Turkey and the KRG, claiming that it would undermine Iraq’s stability and fuel secessionist tendencies in the north.

31. A group, the United Niger Delta Energy Development Security Strategy, UNDEDSS, has warned secessionist Agitators against inclusion of territories of the six states of Niger Delta in the map of the

32. Breakaway adjective rebel, revolutionary, rebellious, dissenting, insurgent, seceding, secessionist, heretical, mutinous, insubordinate, insurrectionary, schismatic a Breakaway group Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition

33. Focuses on all current and potential secessionist movements in Africa for example, in Mombasa, Kenya; the Royal Barotseland in western Zambia; Casamance Region, Senegal; Amatembu people, Eastern Cape, South Africa etc.

34. The Biafran war, fought between the Federal Government of Nigeria and the secessionist state of Biafra, was the culmination of a period of racial violence and persecution of the Igbos, its main people

35. The Republic of Biafra, was a secessionist state in south-eastern Nigeria that existed from May 30, 1967 to January 15, 1970, taking its name from the Bight of Biafra (the Atlantic bay to its south)

36. As my research suggests, if the PP and its allies were to stop taking such absolutist Antinationalist positions, it would loosen the grip of the secessionist parties and their allies on Catalan public opinion.

37. "asilar adjudicated Brominize snugger hemp-nettle Rodger unended counterattestation aeronautical Trevar eurytropic atrichic dactylion bergeret secessionist enormous cephaloridine Hannis gasogenic Caney haycocks garotters fistulized Bradypus impen beglue Bryum shivareed sans-culotterie myelonic vaginoscope half-hypnotized self-jealous befriend

38. ~ 🎂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUSTAV KLIMT 🥳 ~ Our most heartfelt birthday wishes to Master Gustav Klimt, the ′′ representative performer of the most personal epigon-culture-Antipodic, neo-colorist, anti-decorative, allegorical-naturalist, mysterious-fantastic, consistent-hieratic-linear, chaotic-bizarre, ultra-secessionist, individual - anti-eclectic, specific young vienna illusionist

39. The Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (Afrikaner Resistance Movement) (AWB) is a South African far right separatist political and former paramilitary organisation, since its creation dedicated to secessionist Afrikaner nationalism and the creation of an independent Boer-Afrikaner republic or "Volkstaat/Boerestaat" in part of South Africa.In its heyday in the 1980s and 1990s, the organisation