role-model in Vietnamese

* danh từ
- vai mẫu, người tiêu biểu (người được nhiều người noi theo)

Sentence patterns related to "role-model"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "role-model" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "role-model", or refer to the context using the word "role-model" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Role Model —Jacob

Gương sáng —Gia-cốp

2. Role Model —David

Gương sáng —Đa-vít

3. Role Model —Asaph

Gương sáng —A-sáp

4. My son's role model.

Tấm gương sáng của con trai tôi đấy.

5. See her as a role model!

Các bạn, hãy noi gương và chiến đấu như cô ấy

6. The example, the role model, is there.

Ví dụ, mô hình vai trò, là đây.

7. Instead, she became a congenital role model.

8. I will be a role model for others.

9. 6 Banneker can be a role model for them.

10. 5 Q: Do you consider yourself a role model?

11. Why is he my main role model and confidant?

12. 10 Instead,[] she became a congenital role model.

13. 1 I will be a role model for others.

14. My role model on the stage is Michael Jackson.

15. 9 Say a big hello to the positive role model.

16. He’s a good role model for me in handling stress.”

Cha nêu gương tốt cho tôi về cách đương đầu với sự căng thẳng”.

17. 4 Mary Martin no doubt offered a strong role model.

18. 3 Why is he my main role model and confidant?

19. 8 Atalanta was a role model Amelia could relate to.

20. 7 Brando's a role model for everybody in the business.

21. The corrupt Autocrat views the brutal dictator as a role model

22. 19 Deborah Harry was a very different kind of role model.

23. 17 As a role model, she is a highly contentious one.

24. 🔊 A Consistent role model is important to a developing young child

25. 13 He wasn't evil enough to be a role model to us.

26. 27 I think women see her as a real female role model.

27. 2 I want to be a positive role model for my sister.

28. That 20-something app developer from Silicon Valley was not my role model.

29. 16 She is a leader and role model for many women in business.

30. 18 Our new role model, Hildamay, isn't selfish: more a regular girl guide.

31. 22 You may act as a role model and a mentor to others.

32. 20 He's a wonderfully kind man and an excellent role model for the children.

33. He was a great role model-he had even clerked for Oliver Wendell Holmes.

34. It's a great role model for young people to see a woman in charge.

Đây là một hình mẫu lí tưởng cho những người trẻ thấy được một phụ nữ nắm quyền.

35. 29 Coward was not, to use a rather tired phrase, a positive role model.

36. 28 Doesn't she know, I go on, that she used to be a role model?

37. 21 At my age I should probably be a role model to a few others.

38. "I'm a role model, I'm a human glue, I'm a connector, I'm an aggregator of viewpoints.

"Tôi là một hình mẫu, Tôi là chất keo kết dính. Tôi là người kết nối, là người tập hợp các quan điểm.

39. 6 Their spiritual adviser, their role model and beau celebre, was Willis In-Your-Face Mack.

40. 14 Their spiritual adviser, their role model and beau celebre, was Willis In-Your-Face Mack.

41. Disability aside, one of her top priorities is to be a role model and mentor to aspiring radiologists.

42. 24 They want the women to be a sort of role model for them, out there conquering and achieving.

43. Lama Chimed was a wonderful father to the Khenpos and served as a role model and inspiration to them

44. The ideal Buddy is a resource who is friendly, interpersonally effective, demonstrates patience, and is a positive role model

45. She's a wonderful role model who's based on the world's first female Aeronaut, Sophie Blanchard (who ballooned for Napoleon)

46. " Grease, " " Saturday Night Fever, " and he provided a fantastic kind of male role model for me to start dancing.

" Hào nhoáng ", " Cơn sốt tối thứ Bảy ", và anh ấy là mẫu người lý tưởng cho tôi cảm hứng để bắt đầu nhảy.

47. 26 They want the women to be a sort of role model for them, out there conquering and achieving.

48. 23 Disability aside, one of her top priorities is to be a role model and mentor to aspiring radiologists.

49. From this role model, I learned to follow Joseph Smith’s advice to teach correct principles and let people govern themselves.

50. 15 He is a role model of a gentleman and of how contentment can be found in being a gentleman.