ritualistic in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "ritualistic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ritualistic" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ritualistic", or refer to the context using the word "ritualistic" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Ceremonial and ritualistic objects have been utilized as

2. It seems needlessly ritualistic to me.

3. Communal Cowboy provides customers with CBD flower for ritualistic relaxation

4. However, two ritualistic styles of serve are synonymous with Absinthe

5. an advocate of strict observance of ritualistic forms.

6. We were part of a ritualistic column of swaying white.

7. The Brahmanas are ritualistic texts that include precepts and religious duties

8. She thinks that the removal of the victim's feet was ritualistic.

9. There was talk of a quarry, ritualistic music, dance and dress.

10. The other victim was the main suspect in the ritualistic murders.

11. Objects connected with the saint have assumed an almost ritualistic significance.

12. There is a ritualistic quality to some of these disputes, especially Taiwan and Tibet.

13. Cannibalism definition is - the usually ritualistic eating of human flesh by a human being.

14. A - M - F's works are beyond just music and probably considered art of ritualistic noise.

15. The ritualistic quality of the formal training programs was not lost on the neW managers.

16. They dragged up a young boy's body who was the victim of a ritualistic killing.

17. Each evening she bursts into her apartment with a ritualistic shout of "Honey I'm home!"

18. Most of them seem to get a power trip from their ritualistic behaviour.

19. Granny made it imperative, however, that I attend certain all - night ritualistic prayer meetings.

20. In most lives, such highly ritualistic utterances as declarations are rare and very dramatic.

21. They picture women gathered together to dance or perform some apparently ritualistic act of worship.

22. There was some reversion to polytheism and the religion became more magical and ritualistic than ethical.

23. Civil disobedience is a symbolic or ritualistic violation of the law rather than a rejection of the system as a whole

24. The Ayahuasca drug was an entheogen (a drug used in ritualistic or shamanic ceremonies) among indigenous people in the Amazon basin

25. Struan, because of its direct descent from a traditional ritualistic practice, still retains a trace of sacramental efficacy.

26. One by one, with grave solemnity, the four of the deputation accepted cigars and lit up in ritualistic fashion.

27. The name ‘Anthropophagy’ designates the ingestion of human flesh within typical ritualistic practices of some Amerindian tribes such as

28. It has to do with that Greek Bacchic , whole Pagan ritualistic thing, " said Royce Chen '0 a former SOB."

29. One of the functions of that difficult process is to provide a ritualistic framework within which people can function.

30. Such features were carried over into places of Christian assembly, though without the ritualistic accretions that had eventually developed in synagogue services.

31. A homegoing included a viewing of the deceased for ritualistic Bewailment and a burial set to drums, followed by a feast

32. Emer McLysaght: Waving off the Begrudgers Forget the stereotypes, sea swimming is bracing, ritualistic, addictive and good for everyone Emer McLysaght

33. To cross up in a way in which the opponent's ankles are shattered and the Behoover partakes in a ritualistic dance (i.e

34. Charismata (12) IMDb 4.4 1h 36min 2018 A young female detective begins to question her sanity as she investigates a series of brutal ritualistic murders.

35. A Boffo performance that wowed even Broadway's toughest critics Recent Examples on the Web Expect ritualistic apologies for Monday’s outage and insanely Boffo user-growth numbers

36. Grant that henceforth our minds are not tainted with ritualistic and other aberrations of creeds and sects , cultural and other aberrations of castes and codes .

37. Dating to the first half of the first millennium BCE, the Katha Aranyaka is a ritualistic and speculative text that deals with a dangerous Vedic ritual that provides its sponsor with a new body after death

38. Late last year, the 42-year-old Craftsmanship-centric company Jaipur Rugs collaborated with modern design practitioners Sandeep and Tania Khosla on a collection of carpets inspired by the ritualistic folk art of kolam

39. The play, under Michael John Garces's taut direction, is a gritty depiction of the ritualistic world of gangs in barrios and prisons, and reminiscent in its theatrical Bloodiness and steaminess of "Oz," the late 1990s HBO cellblock drama.

40. It was stigma arising from its initial manifestation among gay men that led President Ronald Reagan to maintain what Randy Shilts called a 'ritualistic' (10) (and Blameful) silence about AIDS, for six long years, from 1981 to 1987, implicitly conniving in the deaths of hundreds of …

41. In her initial short addresses to the Duke Margaret refers to him as "devil" (118), "a murd'rous villain" (134), a " Cacodemon " (144), and as a "gentle villain" (163), thus setting the scene for the more extended ritualistic cursing that follows and in which animal insults feature prominently

42. A bench-clearing Brawl is a form of ritualistic fighting that occurs in sports, most notably baseball and ice hockey, in which every player on both teams leaves their dugouts, bullpens, or benches, and charges the playing area in order to fight one another or try to break up a fight.Penalties for leaving the bench can range from nothing to severe.

43. The Dance of the Flaming Arseholes or Dance Of The Flamers was one of the ritualistic "hallowed traditions" bestowed upon the Bugis Street area by sojourning sailors, especially from the Royal Australian Navy and New Zealand, when the vicinity was a congregation point for transgender women from the 1950s to the mid-1980s.It was held on the roof of the infamous

44. Ritualistic, apocalyptic death metal band Atriarch from Portland, Oregon, offers its fourth album of mind altering, doom-soaked death rock entitled Dead as Truth, recorded and mixed by Greg Wilkinson at Earhammer Studios (Om, Graves At Sea, Vhol).With this release, Atriarch ventures deeper into the blackened abyss with haunting incantations, exotic drones and crushing aural experimentations

45. As an ancient civilization, its prehistory is linked to the enigmatic megalithic stone jars of the Plain of Jars (with prehistoric material recorded to the period of even 2000 BC, with Iron Age period of 500 BC and 500–800 AD period dominating the archaeological finds) representing burial grounds of ritualistic practices with extended history spread from Angkor period to the Hindu and Buddhist religious impacts.

Là một nền văn minh cổ đại, tiền sử của nó liên quan đến những hũ đá bí ẩn của vùng Cánh đồng Chum (với vật liệu thời tiền sử được ghi lại vào khoảng 2000 năm TCN, thời kỳ Iron Age của năm 500 TCN và giai đoạn 500-800 SCN chiếm ưu thế trong các khảo cổ học) đặc trưng cho các nghĩa địa của các hoạt động nghi lễ với lịch sử rộng trải dài với các tác động tôn giáo từ Angkor đến Hindu và Phật giáo.