resonantly in Vietnamese

* phó từ
- vang dội; vang rền; vang vọng (về âm thanh)
- vang, âm vang (nhất là do rung; về một căn phòng )
- vang dội lại cái gì (về địa điểm)
- <lý> cộng hưởng

Sentence patterns related to "resonantly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "resonantly" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "resonantly", or refer to the context using the word "resonantly" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Selective reflective and absorptive surfaces and method for resonantly coupling incident radiation

2. The leakage inductance of the transformer is resonantly adjusted therefor by means of a serial capacitor.

3. Motivated Stanleigh Agnizing his commoner rapidly universalizing? Gastropod John-David idolizes, his cobbers personified tooth resonantly

4. As a result of this, another 'signal' photon is produced, with the surplus energy resonantly passed to the vibrational states of the medium.

Kết quả là, một photon 'tín hiệu' khác được tạo ra, với năng lượng dư thừa cộng hưởng đến trạng thái dao động của môi trường.

5. Certainly, the question of Audibility to some degree varied from preacher to preacher as a question of the preacher’s skill in public speaking, in speaking energetically, resonantly, and with good breath support for the voice