reproachfully in Vietnamese

* phó từ
- quở trách, mắng mỏ, thể hiện sự trách mắng
- <cổ> nhục nhã, làm xấu hổ

Sentence patterns related to "reproachfully"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reproachfully" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reproachfully", or refer to the context using the word "reproachfully" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. She looked at him reproachfully.

2. He looked at me reproachfully.

3. Luke's mother stopped smiling and looked reproachfully at him.

4. She coughed again and looked reproachfully at Kathleen.

5. ZHOU: ( gazing reproachfully Chong's face ) You don't seem to have much to say to me.

6. Sometimes he would add reproachfully:'And do you still believe in authorities?'

7. He had slept well, entirely oblivious of the thunderstorms that Edith told him somewhat reproachfully had kept her sleepless an night.

8. Angelical' -- seemed reproachfully to challenge in me recollections of things passed thousands of years ago (old indeed, yet that were made new again for us, because now first it was that we met again).

9. Then, returning to the rejected article titled “Heroic Consistency,” Bishop Fliesser spoke reproachfully of “the Bibelforschers [Jehovah’s witnesses] and Adventists who, in their ‘consistency,’ preferred to die in concentration camps rather than bear arms.”