replenish in Vietnamese

@replenish /ri'pleniʃ/
* ngoại động từ
- lại làm đầy, cung cấp thêm, bổ sung
=to replenish a lamp+ lại đổ đầy dầu vào đèn
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-bổ sung (hàng hao hụt hoặc đã bán ra...)
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-bổ sung
-cấp thêm
-đổ đầy
-làm đầy

Sentence patterns related to "replenish"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "replenish" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "replenish", or refer to the context using the word "replenish" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Allow me to replenish your glass.

2. Replenish coals and chips as necessary.

3. To replenish with part of special tax.

4. More vaccines are needed to replenish our stocks.

5. Let me replenish your glass with some more wine.

6. Every month my wages would just replenish my overdraft.

Mỗi tháng lương của tôi chỉ vừa đủ bù số tiền tôi rút trước ở ngân hàng .

7. Aphototaxis Hawk on bough! Replenish punch bowl and flour into bowl

8. Let me replenish your glass[sentencedict .com], eg with more wine.

9. But of course it wishes to replenish its coffers.

10. Vast reservoirs will catch monsoon rains to replenish the aquifers.

Những hồ chứa rộng lớn sẽ hứng mưa từ gió mùa để bổ sung cho các tầng chứa nước.

11. You know I am not able to replenish the losses.

12. As more workers retire, new employees are needed to replenish the workforce.

13. Bamboo and other sustainable materials replenish themselves much faster than traditional timber

14. All creatures need sleep to replenish their energies for the next awakening.

15. Yet an extra levy on names to replenish it would be highly unpopular.

16. Adam and Eve kept the first commandment to multiply and replenish the earth.

17. * Genesis 1:26–28 (we should multiply and replenish the earth)

* Sáng Thế Ký 1:26–28 (chúng ta phải sinh sôi nẩy nở và làm cho đầy dẫy đất)

18. In the process, they replenish the atmosphere, removing carbon dioxide and releasing pure oxygen.

19. The commandment to multiply and replenish the earth has never been rescinded.

Lệnh truyền phải sinh sôi nẩy nở và làm cho đầy dẫy đất chưa bao giờ được bãi bỏ.

20. The fire is going to go out,please replenish it at once.

21. Find out how often your own body needs to replenish its energy stores.

22. Where does Heng Shui City replenish stock from like toggery autumn clothing , winter dress?

23. In an emergency, water can be pumped from the well to replenish the irrigation canals.

24. Purpose Bowle is a multifunctional aromatherapy device that helps one to relax, replenish and recuperate

25. On the afternoon of 9 June, Tuscaloosa returned to Plymouth to replenish her depleted ammunition.

Trưa ngày 9 tháng 6, Tuscaloosa quay trở về Plymouth tiếp tế cho các hầm đạn đã trống rỗng.

26. New material from white dwarf would quickly replenish the blown - apart disk, Strohmayer says.

27. The antioxidants present in Acai berry help to repair damaged skin and replenish the lost moisture.

28. This means that by 2030 Microsoft will replenish more water than it Consumes on a global basis

29. Synonyms for Backfill include refill, fill, provision, refresh, reload, replace, replenish, restock, restore and stock

30. A frog may sit in water or completely submerge to replenish moisture in its body.

31. On the fifth day Koju drove off to replenish our water supply at a well several kilometers away.

32. The servants came scurrying with new brooms and pails; taper boys ran to replenish the wall-sconces.

33. There they would replenish the family’s water supply, perhaps talking with other women doing the same.

Họ có thể trò chuyện với những phụ nữ khác cũng ra đấy múc nước.

34. The commandment given anciently to Adam and Eve to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force today.

35. This non-REM sleep is when DNA is repaired and our bodies replenish themselves for the day ahead.

Giấc ngủ non-REM (ngủ chập chờn) này là khi ADN được hồi phục và cơ thể của chúng ta làm mới lại cho ngày hôm sau.

36. They return to sell in Huaraz until it is time to pay off debts and replenish their stock.

37. Congress was bankrupt, making it very difficult to replenish the soldiers whose three-year terms had expired.

Quốc hội bị phá sản nên việc thay thế các binh sĩ sắp hết hạn quân dịch 3 năm gặp nhiều khó khăn.

38. More angular momentum means she can make more turns before needing to replenish what was lost to friction.

39. • Provide access to Canadian ports to United States ships for the purpose of repairs and to replenish supplies

40. This deficit must be satisfied before any water can infiltrate downwards through the soil to replenish the aquifer.

41. 4 The two basic questions of inventory control are: a. How much to order to replenish stocks? b. When to order?

42. Entire shoals are surrounded by nets and sucked in for processing and freezing, leaving nothing left to breed and replenish stocks.

43. While water is the healthiest hydrator, other beverages, even those with caffeine like coffee or tea, replenish fluids as well.

Nếu nước là thức giải khát lành mạnh nhất, các đồ uống khác dù chứa ca-ph��-in như cà-phê hay trà, cũng có thể bổ sung nước cho cơ thể.

44. The two basic questions of inventory control are: a. How much to order to replenish stocks? b. When to order?

45. Physical exercise and proper nutrition will help replenish the energy lost as a result of the emotional toll of a breakup.

Tập thể dục và có chế độ dinh dưỡng lành mạnh sẽ giúp bù đắp năng lượng bị tiêu hao do suy sụp tinh thần.

46. One click on the Cornucopia will replenish the player's health equivalent to the healing amount of food stored in

47. 21 This deficit must be satisfied before any water can infiltrate downwards through the soil to replenish the aquifer.

48. When all else fails, you can rely on Bestseller to deliver the latest trends or to replenish your supply of classic staples

49. In this way, the atmosphere is able continually to help replenish the supply of nutrients that soil needs to produce plants.”

Qua đó, bầu khí quyển có thể tiếp tục tạo thêm dưỡng chất cần thiết trong đất giúp cây cối tăng trưởng”.

50. A Credo conference helps clergy examine their health, replenish their spirit, and rediscover the passion that first animated their call to ministry