religiously in Vietnamese

* phó từ
- một cách sùng đạo
- một cách cẩn thận, một cách có ý thức, một cách đều đặ

Sentence patterns related to "religiously"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "religiously" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "religiously", or refer to the context using the word "religiously" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. She followed the instructions religiously.

2. I followed the instructions religiously.

3. He exercises religiously every morning.

4. Were you brought up religiously?

5. Do these exercises religiously every day.

6. She phones him religiously every day.

7. Emerson was religiously committed to democracy.

8. 2 synonyms for Conscientiously: scrupulously, religiously

9. They were morally degraded and religiously corrupt.

Họ suy đồi về đạo đức và hư nát về tôn giáo.

10. He washes the floor religiously every morning.

11. They go to Greece religiously every year.

12. Godly Obedience in a Religiously Divided Family

Vâng Lời Đức Chúa Trời trong gia đình chia rẽ về tôn giáo

13. Otherwise they are religiously to be observed.

14. He was working religiously at his mathematics.

15. He visits his mother religiously every week.

16. She had religiously adhered to the white squares.

17. He came religiously every morning at 8 o'clock.

18. India is quite diverse, both politically and religiously.

19. He counted his money up religiously every night.

20. Julia has been sticking religiously to her diet.

21. Conscientiously: 1 adv with extreme conscientiousness Synonyms: religiously , scrupulously

22. 6 India is quite diverse, both politically and religiously.

23. How can mildness help in a religiously divided home?

Sự mềm mại giúp ích thế nào trong một gia đình không cùng tôn giáo?

24. 19 We also live in a religiously defiled world.

19 Chúng ta cũng sống trong một thế giới nhơ nhớp về phương diện tôn giáo.

25. I've been watching that show religiously for four years.

26. Consider what can happen in a religiously divided household.

Hãy xem điều gì có thể xảy ra trong gia đình không cùng tôn giáo.

27. But all their kids been listen'n to me religiously.

28. A few had been exercising religiously for many years.

29. As a result, Christendom became divided politically and also religiously.

Kết quả là đạo tự xưng theo đấng Christ bị chia rẽ về mặt chính trị cũng như về tôn giáo.

30. During this period religiously based names were also made illegal.

Trong giai đoạn này, các tên gọi dựa trên tôn giáo cũng bị coi là bất hợp pháp.

31. I was hoping to talk to someone who is religiously inclined.’

Tôi rất muốn nói chuyện với những người ham thích về nhu cầu tâm linh”.

32. Religiously speaking, there is a lot of “counterfeit money” in circulation.

33. India has always been one of the most religiously diverse countries.

34. Soon I realized how religiously confused I had been for decades.

Không lâu sau, tôi nhận ra mình đã hiểu sai đến mức nào trong mấy thập niên qua.

35. 29 India has always been one of the most religiously diverse countries.

36. If by chance he does he purges himself by religiously prescribed ablutions.

37. 18 In a religiously divided household, the husband is still the head.

18 Trong một gia đình bị chia rẽ về tôn giáo, người chồng vẫn là người làm đầu.

38. Heeding his counsel is particularly important in homes that are religiously divided.

Làm theo lời khuyên của ông đặc biệt quan trọng trong các gia đình không cùng tôn giáo.

39. Religiously speaking, there is quite a variety in the small country of Lebanon.

40. The lives of millions have been snuffed out in religiously supported conflicts.

Những cuộc xung đột mà tôn giáo ủng hộ đã làm hàng triệu người mất mạng.

41. Single-parent families or religiously divided households are not necessarily financially strapped.

Gia đình chỉ có mẹ hay chỉ có cha hay gia đình bị phân rẽ về tôn giáo không nhất thiết có khó khăn về tài chánh.

42. She never smoked or drank alcohol, and religiously followed a macrobiotic diet.

43. Canada is religiously diverse, encompassing a wide range of beliefs and customs.

Canada là quốc gia đa tôn giáo, bao gồm nhiều tín ngưỡng và phong tục.

44. 22 India has always been one of the most religiously diverse countries.

45. Many religiously inclined people felt that they could now pursue their religious convictions.

Những người mộ đạo giờ đây cảm thấy họ có thể sống theo tín ngưỡng của mình.

46. Trimming of facial hair is allowed; however, shaving it is haram (religiously forbidden).

Cắt tỉa tóc trên khuôn mặt được cho phép, tuy nhiên, cạo nó là haram (cấm trong tôn giáo).

47. 26 She never smoked or drank alcohol, and religiously followed a macrobiotic diet.

48. 4 Yes, history is stained with the blood of religiously inspired or approved strife.

4 Đúng vậy, lịch-sử con người bị hoen ố bởi máu đã đổ trong các cuộc chiến do tôn-giáo gây ra, hay do tôn-giáo bảo-trợ.

49. A lot of them used to come in and religiously buy something every week.

50. In earlier times, Castigation specifically meant restoring one to a religiously pure state, called chastity.