regional integration in Vietnamese

@Regional integration
- (Econ) Hội nhập khu vực.

Sentence patterns related to "regional integration"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "regional integration" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "regional integration", or refer to the context using the word "regional integration" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Encouraging regional integration of trade.

Khuyến khích hội nhập thương mại vùng.

2. Stability of the Maghreb and regional integration are absolutely necessary.

3. Roads are essential for regional integration, economic growth, social development, effective public administration and security.

4. Transport corridors promote regional integration and help developing countries increasingly to access competitive global markets.

5. Under the trends of globalization and regional integration, regionalism is taking shape in East Asia.

6. Transport corridors promote regional integration and help developing countries to increasingly access competitive global markets.

7. That is why we see a rising tide of regional integration and cooperation across the world.

8. In particular, differentiation in regional integration processes may well result in variable geometry within the EPA.

9. But, what if regional integration were not simply up to political decision-makers and the administrative machinery?

10. Liberalization of trade and investment has been influenced by the expansion and intensification of regional integration efforts.

11. Liberia has been playing a pro-active role in the region to strengthen peace, democracy and regional integration.

12. The whole of the MNC therefore constitutes a very disparate bloc whose regional integration is of absolute necessity.

13. The Commission will lend its active support to cooperation and regional integration via the programming of development aid.

14. We should also pay increased attention in our policy advice to issues of regional integration, including through regional surveillance.

15. As regards the economic partnership agreements - the EPAs – their goal is development, in particular through aid for regional integration.

16. Connectivity projects, cooperation in space, S&T and people-to-people exchanges could become a springboard for regional integration and prosperity.

17. The ASEAN experience is a clear signal to potential opportunities that can be realized if we were to accelerate the process of regional integration.

18. The ASEAN Economic Community offers one avenue for promoting further regional integration, including by further liberalizing trade in services and reducing non-tariff barriers.

Cộng đồng kinh tế ASEAN cũng sẽ góp phần tăng cường hội nhập khu vực nhờ tự do hóa thương mại dịch vụ và cắt giảm hàng rào phi thuế quan.

19. In fact, with the establishment of the Andean Pact in 1969, regional integration in this area was the first of its kind in Latin America.

20. The Commission’s approach to regional integration is relevant but coherence is inadequately addressed and the level of funding does not take account of the limited absorption capacities

21. We ask the African Development Bank to take the initiative in creating an infrastructure fund, an extension of the Mano River Initiative, launched in 2013, with the objective of furthering regional integration.

22. All of these principles are actively asserted in the activity of Latin American countries, in their efforts to create and develop regional and sub-regional integration associations in the economic and political areas.

23. In the context of economic globalisation and regional integration, we are committed to our efforts in advancing economic cooperation and engaging the emerging regional economic architecture, including organising multi-sectoral strategic economic dialogues.

24. As a result, the ALADI – as an institutional and legal framework or “umbrella” of the regional integration- develops actions in order to support and foster these efforts for the progressive establishment of a common economic space.

25. Amendment by Jo Leinen Amendment 1 Recital B B. whereas the joint exercise of sovereignty in regional integration frameworks may lead to an enhanced capacity of governments to protect the interests of their citizens, rather than a loss of sovereignty, Or. de Amendment by Jo Leinen Amendment 2 Recital C C. whereas, in connection with regional integration, it must also be ensured that no loss of transparency and democratic accountability in decision-making takes place and that increased crime through the abolition of border controls and social repercussions through hasty liberalisation and wage competition are prevented, Or. de

26. A total of 8 advisory missions and 11 workshops were undertaken to build and strengthen national capacity in the areas of trade for development and regional integration, with particular emphasis on capacity-building assistance to member States and regional economic communities in the ongoing negotiations of economic partnership agreements between Africa and the European Union.