reduction of production in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-giảm bớt sản xuất

Sentence patterns related to "reduction of production"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reduction of production" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reduction of production", or refer to the context using the word "reduction of production" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Production of dihydronepetalactone by reduction of nepetalic acid

2. Restructuring of production costs (price renegotiation with suppliers, alternative revenues and reduction of costs)

3. This also led to a reduction in Antonov An-22 production.

Đó cũng là lý do khiến việc sản xuất máy bay vận tải Antonov An-22 bị giảm xuống.

4. The production of iron from its ores involves powerful reduction reactions in blast furnaces.

Việc sản xuất sắt từ quặng của nó liên quan đến mạnh mẽ giảm các phản ứng trong lò cao.

5. Noun a reduction in rate, quantity, etc.: a Cutback in production

6. Of course, the reduction in reports also leads to a lower administrative and production cost.

7. Iron ore pellets with reduction of abrasion, sticking, degradation and dust emission, and its production process

8. New raw materials for the production of advanced batteries promise better performance, longer life and cost reduction.


10. When these plants were assayed for acetylene reduction activity a low level of ethylene production was detected.

11. Cost Accounting computes the cost of production/service in a rigorous manner and facilitates cost control and cost reduction.

Kế toán chi phí tính toán chi phí sản xuất / dịch vụ một cách nghiêm ngặt và tạo điều kiện kiểm soát chi phí và giảm chi phí.

12. 86,87 Furthermore, hyperoxia after an Asphyxiatic injury causes a reduction in perivascular production of nitric oxide and reduced cerebral perfusion

13. - Accident reduction and consequently reduction of number of casualties.

14. 86, 87 Furthermore, hyperoxia after an Asphyxiatic injury causes a reduction in perivascular production of nitric oxide and reduced cerebral perfusion

15. 86 87 Furthermore, hyperoxia after an Asphyxiatic injury causes a reduction in perivascular production of nitric oxide and reduced cerebral perfusion

16. The introduction of slag additives would also result in a reduction in energy costs and CO2 emissions at cement production facilities.

17. Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are a group of drugs whose main action is a pronounced and long-lasting reduction of stomach acid production.

Thuốc ức chế bơm proton (PPIs) là một nhóm thuốc có tác dụng chính là giảm sản xuất dịch vị dạ dày kéo dài.

18. A reduction that is made to save money: The company has announced Cutbacks in production due to falling sales

19. Sm-p80-based vaccine formulation(s) have four effects: Reduction in adult worm numbers; Reduction in egg production (complete elimination of egg induced pathology both in baboons and mice); Protection against acute schistosomiasis; Therapeutic effect on adult worms.

Công thức vắc xin dựa trên Sm-p80 có bốn hiệu quả:Giảm số lượng sán trưởng thành (loại bỏ hoàn toàn trứng gây ra bệnh ở cả khỉ đầu chó và chuột);Bảo vệ phòng ngừa lại bệnh sán máng cấp tính; Hiệu quả điều trị trên giun trưởng thành.

20. 2) Reduction of Aldehydes & Ketones Reduction is the reverse of the oxidation reaction

21. The importance of each term of the vorticity equation in (x, y, p, t)-coordinates (advection-, divergence and curlterm) for the production and reduction of vorticity is examined.

22. Resource efficiency is the reduction of the environmental impact from the production and consumption of these goods, from final raw material extraction to last use and disposal.

Hiệu quả là giảm tác động môi trường từ sản xuất và tiêu thụ của các mặt hàng, từ khai thác nguyên liệu cuối cùng để sử dụng và xử lý.

23. After amalgamation, the production capacity of the mines should be reduced to some 3,5 million tonnes, a reduction estimated at 2 million tonnes compared with 2000.

24. Reduction of oxidative stress factors

25. Reduction of deaths by accidents