recent tectonics in Vietnamese

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-tân kiến tạo học

Sentence patterns related to "recent tectonics"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "recent tectonics" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "recent tectonics", or refer to the context using the word "recent tectonics" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Plate Tectonics Articles and maps about plate tectonics and the interior of Earth

2. Therefore, plate tectonics is not entirely applied to continental tectonics as well.

3. Or if geologists didn't talk about plate tectonics.

Hay môn Địa chất không nói về các mảng địa chất.

4. 16 Plate tectonics is not the same as continental drift.

5. Why this elaborate analogy with plate tectonics and continental drift?

6. Beyond Plate Tectonics: What Do We Do in Structural Geology?

7. Magnetic profiling for the reconstruction of crustal ages and plate tectonics;

8. Plate tectonics created heat and pressure, that produced rock lighter than the ocean floor.

Kiến tạo mảng ( Plate tectonics ) tạo ra nhiệt và áp lực, nó tạo ra các lớp đá nhẹ hơn đá tại bề mặt đại dương.

9. The activity in Erta Ale's lava lake is an excellent model for Earth's plate tectonics.

10. General Geology - Articles about geysers, maars, deltas, rifts, salt domes, water, and much more! Plate Tectonics

11. Geologists describe the motion of the plates and the consequences of such motion as plate tectonics.

12. Tyson then explains on the nature of plate tectonics that would shape the landmasses of the world.

Tyson sau đó giải thích về tính chất của kiến tạo địa tầng hình thành nên những vùng đất rộng lớn của thế giới.

13. 16 The extensional system is a "horizontal layered" thin-skinned tectonics at the crustal scale.

14. The Atmosphere, the Ocean and Environmental Change (GG 140)Plate tectonics and ocean Bathymetry are discussed

15. The disjonctive deformations of the vorland being transmitted into the superstructure have allowed the identification of the ruptural tectonics.

16. The "Amisk collage" formed in two major magmatic periods that were separated by an interval of intraoceanic accretionary tectonics.

17. The oldest member disappearing by way of the Plate Tectonics cycle is early-Cretaceous (145 to 137 million years ago).

Bộ phận cổ nhất biến mất theo chu trình kiến tạo mảng là vào đầu Kỷ Creta (145 đến 137 triệu năm trước).

18. Plate tectonics, the process of continents drifting together and rifting apart, causes the formation of many large Bays.

19. Land bridges were commonly invoked to explain biogeographical distribution patterns before the development and acceptance of plate tectonics.

20. ‘Several Cytherean impact craters display impact-induced lava flows, fractures and tectonics related to high-temperature environment.’ ‘The Cytherean atmospheric …

21. ‘Several Cytherean impact craters display impact-induced lava flows, fractures and tectonics related to high-temperature environment.’ ‘The Cytherean atmospheric …

22. Synonyms: Architectonics; tectonics Hypernyms ("Architectonics" is a kind of): science; scientific discipline (a particular branch of scientific knowledge)

23. It was formed on the "Kenyan Dome" a geographical upwelling created by the interactions of three major tectonics: the Arabian, Nubian, and Somalian plates.

Nó được hình thành trên "Kenya Dome" một kiến tạo địa chất được tạo nên bởi ba mảng kiến tạo chính là Ả Rập, Nubian và Somalia.

24. 10 The main A-type subduction fault and large scale thin-skinned tectonics clearly reveal that the Yangtze Plate subsides towards Dabie orogenic belt.

25. At Convergent boundaries that involve two continental plates, the plate tectonics is a bit more complex than in the other two types of Convergent boundaries