rearmament in Vietnamese

@rearmament /'ri:ə'reindʤmənt/
* danh từ
- sự vũ trang lại
- sự đổi vũ khí mới, sự hiện đại hoá vũ khí (các quân chủng)

Sentence patterns related to "rearmament"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rearmament" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rearmament", or refer to the context using the word "rearmament" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The same is true for the terms “Appeasement and War and Germany and Rearmament,” “Appeasement,” and “Rearmament.” Data shows that the term “rearmament

2. Serbia and JNA used this discovery of Croatian rearmament for propaganda purposes.

Serbia và quân đội Liên bang đã sử dụng bắng chứng tái vũ trang này của Croatia cho các mục đích tuyên truyền.

3. Out of 4.9 trillion rubles ($192.16 billion) allocated for military rearmament, 25 percent will go into building new ships.

Trong số 4,9 nghìn tỷ rúp (192,16 tỷ đô la) được phân bổ cho hậu quả quân sự, 25 phần trăm sẽ đi vào việc chế tạo các con tàu mới.

4. During the Labour Party split in the early 1950s, Taylor sided with the left and Aneurin Bevan, opposing German rearmament and the development of the Hydrogen bomb.

5. Starting in 2000, Japan renewed its defense obligations with the US and embarked on a rearmament program, partly in response to fears that Taiwan might be invaded.

Từ năm 2000, Nhật Bản đã sửa đổi các nghĩa vụ phòng vệ với Hoa Kỳ và cũng bắt đầu chương trình tái vũ trang, một phần để phản ứng trước lo ngại rằng Đài Loan sẽ bị tấn công.

6. The British, with no army in the field and behind in rearmament, was in no position to challenge French strategy, which had assumed the prominent role of the Western Alliance.

Người Anh do không có quân đội trên chiến trường và chậm tái vũ trang nên đã không có điều kiện để can thiệp vào chiến lược của nước Pháp, vốn đang đóng vai trò nổi trội trong phe Đồng Minh.

7. Hindersin's experience at Düppel had convinced him that the days of the smooth-bore gun were past, and he now devoted himself with unremitting zeal to the rearmament and reorganization of the Prussian artillery.

Trải nghiệm của Hindersin tại Dybbøl chứng tỏ với ông rằng thời đại của các khẩu pháo nòng trơn đã đi vào quá khứ, và giờ đây ông chú tâm một cách không ngơi nghỉ vào việc tái vũ trang và tái cấu trúc lực lượng pháo binh Phổ.

8. It is a tragedy that is also Befalling the international community, because what is happening now has not happened overnight, but has been built up through rearmament, through the smuggling of weapons and through rocket fire over a long period

9. Appeasement is an appropriate policy choice in a least two cases: an opponent has limited aims that can be satisfied without undue harm to the Appeaser 's own nation or a weaker nation needs to buy time for rearmament

10. So it appears to me that NATO is trying to make a victim of an aggressor and whitewash a criminal regime, save a collapsing regime and is taking a path to the rearmament of the current leaders in Georgia, although, probably, everybody has been able to see what arming the aggressor leads to.

11. Constitutions Concern different levels of organizations, from sovereign states to companies and unincorporated associations.: As rearmament became a Concern during the 1930s, Stanley Baldwin created the position of Minister for Coordination of Defence.: Of major Concern to the BIOT administration is the relationship with the United States military forces resident on Diego Garcia.

12. Shante Harrison ENG 101 The site was The site was aggravated in early 1935 when the dominion of the Saar Basinful was legally reunited with FRG , and Der Fuhrer repudiated the pact of Versailles , accelerated his rearmament computer programme , and introduced conscription.The United realm , France and Italian Republic formed the Stresa movement in Apr 1935 in ordination to hold …