reappearance in Vietnamese

@reappearance /'ri:ə'piərəns/
* danh từ
- sự lại xuất hiện, sự lại hiện ra
- (sân khấu) sự lại trở ra (của một diễn viên)

Sentence patterns related to "reappearance"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reappearance" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reappearance", or refer to the context using the word "reappearance" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Christian theology the reappearance of Jesus as judge for the Last Judgment.

2. The story of the watch's reappearance began in 1987, at an antique-flea market in London.

Câu chuyện về sự tái xuất hiện của chiếc đồng hồ bắt đầu từ năm 1987 tại một chợ trời - đồ cổ ở Luân Đôn.

3. Perhaps the failure to follow appropriate biosafety and laboratory Biosecurity practices may still be the greatest threat for the reappearance of SARS.

4. Accipiter was a running-on third at Hereford back in February, and was third again on his reappearance over today's course and distance

5. This came as the result of a lack of adequate supplies, and the reappearance of Takeda Shingen, Kenshin's long-time rival, who was threatening his territories.

Lý do là vì thiếu quân lương tiếp tế, và việc Takeda Shingen, kẻ thù truyền kiếp của Kenshin lại xuất hiện, đang đe dọa lãnh địa của ông.

6. Anamnestic response the rapid reappearance of antibody in the blood following introduction of an antigen to which the subject had previously developed a primary immune response

7. Since these may be the reason you were prescribed Antidepressants in the first place, their reappearance may suggest that you're having a relapse and need ongoing treatment.

8. A victory at Ripon on his reappearance suggested Luca Cumani's charge could be in for a profitable campaign, but he then Bombed out badly on his next three starts

9. Atavisme m (plural Atavismes) atavism (reappearance of an ancestral characteristic) Further reading “atavisme” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).

10. Word family (noun) Appearance ≠ disAppearance reAppearance (verb) Appear ≠ disAppear reAppear From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics: Law ap‧pear /əˈpɪə $ əˈpɪr/ ●●● S2 W1 verb 1 seem [ linking verb] used when saying how someone or something seems.

11. The analysis of the results indicates that the precocity of treatment and operation enables to prevent the reappearance of a marked amblyopia in almost every case of strabism spontaneously alternating or made alternating at the time of the operation.

12. It sought intensified observance of Islamic law and military preparation for imminent reappearance of the Hidden Imam, expected in 1845 – 46. Bab was arrested and imprisoned, leading to his claim to be the Hidden Imam. Babism abrogated the laws of the Quran.

13. The three remaining public representatives of the communists – Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim – fled to the forests in 1967-8, though at the time it was widely rumoured that they had been murdered by the Sangkum's police (after their reappearance in the 1970s, they were referred to in the press as the "Three Ghosts").

Ba đại diện công khai còn lại của những người cộng sản là Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon và Hu Nim đã chạy trốn lên các bưng biền tận rừng sâu vào năm 1967 – 1968, mặc dù vào thời điểm đó có tin đồn rằng họ đã bị cảnh sát của Sangkum giết chết (sau khi họ tái xuất hiện vào năm 1970, họ được giới thiệu trên báo chí như là "Ba Bóng Ma").