read in in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: toán & tin
-đọc vào (bộ nhớ)

Sentence patterns related to "read in"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "read in" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "read in", or refer to the context using the word "read in" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. 27 Read in studio Video-Taped report follows Read in studio Voice over Good evening.

2. 26 Read in studio Video-Taped report follows Voice over Read in studio Good evening.

3. We need to read in some new talent.

Chúng ta cần tuyển thêm một số tài năng mới.

4. I should've brought some books to read in prison.

tôi đi gói đồ và lấy vài cuốn sách phòng khi vào tù.

5. Choose the householder’s language from the “Read In” list.

Chọn ngôn ngữ của chủ nhà từ mục “Đọc trong ngôn ngữ”.

6. It read in part: “Tonight I blessed my mum.

Một phần email đó viết rằng: “Buổi tối hôm nay em đã ban phước cho mẹ em!

7. Even chimpanzees can learn to read in 3 months!

Chó, khỉ, hải cẩu, ngựa này. Học ba tháng là có thể đi thi được rồi.

8. It read in part: “Tonight I blessed my mum. ...

Một phần email đó viết rằng: “Buổi tối hôm nay em đã ban phước cho mẹ em!.

9. 4 Time allowed 00:53 Read in studio Good evening.

10. 5 Video-Taped report follows Read in studio Good evening.

11. Certified Agreements are read in conjunction with the related award

12. When I read something, it will read in my voice.

Khi tôi đọc cái gì đó, nó sẽ đọc bằng giọng của tôi.

13. I never believe what I read in the press anyway.

Dẫu sao, tôi chẳng bao giờ tin vào những gì tôi đọc ở báo giới.

14. I read in a strange book with a fuchsia cover.

15. I only know what-what I read in the papers and-

Tôi chỉ có thông tin duy nhất từ báo chí thôi.

16. Did they stumble through such reading or read in a monotone?

Họ có vấp váp khi đọc hoặc đọc với giọng tẻ nhạt không?

17. Read in studio Finally tonight we're going to flex our muscles.

18. To read in this mode, select View text (when it's available).

19. I can orally summarize the information I have read in English.

20. Biblio connected me to a book I haven't read in 30 years

21. For the complete text all three sections should be read in conjunction.

22. 12 Would you accept everything you read in such annals as accurate history?

23. Listen as I read, in Tori’s own words, the account of that day:

Hãy lắng nghe khi tôi đọc lời tường thuật của chính Tori vào ngày hôm đó:

24. Coydog sounds are quite unique, as you will read in the following section

25. Read in studio Plum growers say they're expecting a bumper harvest this year.

26. 19 Read in studio Fire has badly damaged an office block in Gloucester.

27. Of what benefit is it to meditate on what you read in the Bible?

Bạn có lợi ích nào khi suy gẫm về những gì bạn đọc trong Kinh-thánh?

28. For interesting details, read in the following article the story of one paramedic’s experiences.

29. Read in studio A rather unusual hot air balloon has completed its maiden voyage.

30. Read in sequence if yes in q.1- accept estimate but not ranges 1.

31. 13 Read in studio Fire has damaged a disused hotel at Abingdon in Oxfordshire.

32. Guards; is deeply read in the comparative merits of different bands, and the Apparelling

33. Read in studio A hospital consultant is warning of the dangers of bouncy castles.

34. Read in studio Welcome back: The charity Oxfam celebrates its fiftieth anniversary this year.

35. Read in of 5 operation states (Idle, Active 1, Active 2, Short, Line break).

36. Read in studio Britain's best weightlifters have held a unique training session ... behind bars.

37. Read in studio A labourer has been crushed to death by a cement lorry.

38. There's a lovely story that I read in a futurist magazine many, many years ago.

Có một câu chuyện rất vui mà tôi đọc được trên một tờ tạp chí vị lai nhiều năm về trước

39. I read in the paper that the Fine rts cademy is going to be opened.

Cháu đọc báo thấy Học viện Mỹ nghệ sẽ mở cửa lại.

40. Read in Mosiah 9:1–4 about what Zeniff did to gain what he wanted.

Đọc trong Mô Si A 9:1–4 về điều Giê Níp đã làm để đạt được điều ông mong muốn.

41. offers you the best Blog on photography to read in 2021 and the future

42. However, I read in the Gospel how Jesus cured sick persons, cripples and paralytics instantaneously.

43. They may need to be taught to read in order to improve their spiritual advancement.

44. 13 I read in a newspaper that Lee Iacocca likes to shoot from the hip.

45. 12 Read in studio Three DIY stores are being prosecuted for trading on a Sunday.

46. Read in studio Britain's first jet fighter, the Gloucester Meteor celebrated it's fiftieth birthday today.

47. 27 Read in studio A man accused of murdering a police informer has been cleared.

48. We read in modern revelation, “All kingdoms have a law given” (D&C 88:36).

49. Read in studio Defence and Aerospace contractors Smiths Industries have announced another round of redundancies.

50. 22 Such an image, read in psychological terms, would be the image of a psychosis.