reactionary in Vietnamese

@reactionary /ri:'ækʃnəri/ (reactionist) /ri:'ækʃnist/
tính từ
- (chính trị) phản động
danh từ
- kẻ phản động

Sentence patterns related to "reactionary"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reactionary" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reactionary", or refer to the context using the word "reactionary" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The reactionary rule is doomed.

2. Reactionary politicians voted against the proposal.

3. The reactionary troops are being hit everywhere.

4. The men are hidebound and reactionary.

5. This threw the reactionary police into utter panic.

6. Critics viewed him as a reactionary.

7. The reactionary ruling clique was torn by internal strife.

8. The reactionary elements have been unbridled in their attacks.

9. The reactionary officer then ordered him arrested.

10. They forced thousands of peasants into their reactionary armies.

11. The president, with his veto power, blocked these reactionary schemes.

12. The reactionary authorities are between two fires and have been discredited.

13. Is reading the romance a politically progressive or politically reactionary move?

14. The reactionary police made a baton charge on the demonstrating crowd.

15. Mobilize the masses to tear down reactionary posters on street walls.

16. Some of the labour leaders were also questioned by the reactionary police.

17. That Ptolemy was a conservative, even a reactionary in certain respects, is undeniable.

18. Reactionary forces/elements in the industry are preventing its progress towards greater efficiency..

19. The reactionary ruling clique was torn by internal strife.

20. It is reactionary and regressive to pretend that television does not exist.

21. The reactionary government tried vainly to take the steam out of the protest movement.

22. Authorities used songs and poems he wrote as evidence of his “reactionary” activities.

Chính quyền đã dùng những bài hát, bài thơ ông sáng tác làm bằng chứng cho hành vi “phản động” của ông.

23. Bushwa is used to indicate that something is reactionary or allied with the property class

24. Other reactionary politicians vie to appropriate historical symbols of pre-communist antiquity.

25. Antonyms for Anarchistic include conservative, reactionary, traditional, conventional, traditionalistic, unprogressive, moderate, orthodox, traditionalist and

26. The left have tried to foist on her the image of a limited suburban reactionary.

27. It was predictable that the medical establishment, so hidebound and reactionary, would reject Dr Stone's ideas.

28. But the reactionary left rejected change, to the present detriment of those it claims to represent.

29. First, consider the reactionary popular culture in which this debate is taking place.

30. Cultural attitudes to women were more reactionary than in most of Western Europe.

31. The representation of Biafra as a puppet of reactionary forces can be readily refuted by the facts

32. First, he argued, there had been post-revolutionary disillusionment which had allowed reactionary forces to become influential.

33. 19 It is a patchwork of well-tested rules, long-forgotten power struggles, and reactionary humbug.

34. And because they think only of Joe Smith , they end by advocating reactionary and nonsensical policies.

35. 15 It grew ever more clear to everyone that the Minister was too reactionary, too blinkered.

36. The new Czar was greatly influenced by his former tutor, the reactionary Bureaucrat Pobiedonostzev.

37. Synonyms for Archconservative include traditional, conservative, orthodox, unprogressive, reactionary, ultraconservative, brassbound, paleoconservative, standpat and

38. The seventy year old president has been condemned as reactionary by his radical opponents.

39. But unless his reactionary vision begins to be actively Countered, that is the impression that will abide

40. He assailed other reactionary regimes sanctified by Napoleon's final defeat, prior to which he toured the Continent.

41. It is a patchwork of well-tested rules, long-forgotten power struggles, and reactionary humbug.

42. Synonyms for Conventionalist include conformist, traditionalist, conservative, bourgeois, reactionary, stickler, fogey, stick-in-the-mud, Babbitt and crawler

43. And once it has forfeited the power to act, the organization becomes both reactive and reactionary.

44. We realise today that this reactionary generation grew up to be the most materialistic the world has ever known.

45. The fact is that Berlioz, who invented the modern orchestra, was a fervent reactionary throughout his life.

46. This was effected, and Louis Philippe was Balked of his desire to interfere in Portugal to promote a reactionary policy

47. Riddled with a thousand gaping wounds , this reactionary clique is now beset with difficulties and contradictions both in internal and external affairs.

48. The Cathedral of the Assumption on Red Square had been demolished along with other redundant relics of reactionary religion.

49. So retrogressive, in fact, was the new court that on occasion it tended to be blindly reactionary in cases involving economic and social policies.

50. State media reports label the group as a “politically reactionary” organization which is “non-violent” but whose goal is to “overthrow the people’s administration.”

Báo chí nhà nước dán cho nhóm này nhãn tổ chức “phản động chính trị” bất bạo động, có mục đích “lật đổ chính quyền nhân dân.”