rationing of exchange in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-sự bán cung cấp ngoại hối

Sentence patterns related to "rationing of exchange"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rationing of exchange" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rationing of exchange", or refer to the context using the word "rationing of exchange" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. It is a mode of rationing.

2. News of bread rationing created panic buying.

3. Rationing of foods became stricter and police scrutiny tighter.

4. Banks may resist the attempts at rationing.

5. The government introduced meat rationing in May.

6. The Government may have to introduce petrol rationing.

7. Indeed, some form of rationing of output may be necessary.

8. Rationing should not be the exclusive domain of managers and professionals.

9. Fuel rationing started and I canceled my trip.

10. So by rationing these foods you cut calorie intake.

11. The municipal authorities here are preparing for food rationing.

12. A prolonged drought had necessitated the introduction of water rationing.

13. 15 The government introduced meat rationing in May.

14. The government may have to introduce water rationing.

15. Bring back credit rationing, leading to mortgage queues.

16. They righteously maintain that they do not practise rationing.

17. Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago.

18. 5 Rationing had put an end to a surfeit of biscuits long ago.

19. Credit rationing is unlikely to apply to all financial institutions.

20. As a hangover from rationing, they mixed butter and margarine.

21. The members of the Church lived far apart, and there was strict gas rationing.

Các tín hữu của Giáo Hội sống xa nhau, và xăng được phân phối rất hạn chế.

22. • "Fairness" - included are concepts such as equity, accessibility, waiting lists, and rationing of services;

23. Strict rationing of basic foodstuffs was still in force by the end of the year.

24. Some customers complained about rationing being enforced at Mercal stores due to the lack of products.

Một số khách hàng phàn nàn về việc phân phối được thực thi tại các cửa hàng Mercal do thiếu sản phẩm.

25. The United Kingdom institutes rationing of electricity, coal, and gas; the clothing ration is decreased as well.

17: Nước Anh thiết lập chế độ phân phối điện, than và gas; khẩu phần quần áo cũng bị giảm.