rate effect in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: toán & tin
-hiệu ứng tốc độ

Sentence patterns related to "rate effect"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rate effect" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rate effect", or refer to the context using the word "rate effect" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Secondary Effect: Effect Rate: Induces Attract

2. Fisher effect: the one - for - one adjustment of the nominal interest rate to the inflation rate.

3. Secondary Effect: Effect Rate: Causes the opponent to be inflicted with Infatuation -- % Z-Attract: Detailed Effect: Reset Stats: Resets all lowered stat modifications

4. Effect of discount rate change on year-end accumulated defined benefit obligation

5. This drug may have the effect of speeding up your heart rate.

6. The effect is to substantially reduce the effective rate of corporation tax.

Hiệu quả là làm giảm đáng kể thuế suất doanh nghiệp hiệu quả.

7. The subjective effect of discontinuous interference varies with repetition rate and amplitude.

8. Effect of change in discount rate on year-end accumulated defined benefit obligation

9. Also, the strain rate may be studied and analyzed for its effect on fracture.

Cũng có thể nghiên cứu tốc độ biến dạng và phân tích ảnh hưởng của nó tới sự gãy vỡ.

10. The "economic effect" assumes that the tax rate will affect the tax base itself.

"Hiệu ứng kinh tế" giả định rằng tự bản thân thuế suất có ảnh hưởng tới cơ sở tính thuế.

11. Reactions with various enzymes showed hemicellulase and pectinase had synergistic effect on improving extraction rate.

12. Adjective causing or likely to cause a chill: the Chilling effect of the high unemployment rate.

13. Abnormally low or high body temperatute effect a variety of physiologic responses including lowered metabolic rate

14. This negative adjustment also has the effect of lowering the effective tax rate applied to # income

15. In effect, we have an incipient excess supply of savings even at a zero interest rate.

16. The effect of exchange-rate fluctuations on UNHCR accounts varies greatly from one year to the next

17. Thus, the strength of the greenhouse effect depends on the atmosphere's rate of temperature decrease with height.

Do đó, sự tăng mạnh các hiệu ứng nhà kính tùy thuộc vào tốc độ giảm nhiệt độ của tầng khí quyển theo độ cao.

18. Thus, the "economic effect" of a 100% tax rate is to decrease the tax base to zero.

Vì thế, "hiệu ứng kinh tế" của thuế suất 100% là giảm cơ sở tính thuế xuống bằng 0.

19. Perhaps the most significant effect of Compressibility on a free shear flow is a suppressed growth rate

20. Where multiple official exchange rates are in effect, use the actual rate applicable to specific transactions (para.

21. That negative adjustment also had the effect of lowering the effective tax rate applied to 2004 income.

22. With this rate of tariff, I'm confident it'll have a mitigating effect on the anti-dumping cases.

Với mức thuế suất này, tôi tự tin rằng nó sẽ có tác dụng làm giảm các vụ kiện chống bán phá giá.

23. The effect of the Coriolis acceleration is determined, this being a measure of the instantaneous yaw rate.

24. The effect of electrical stimulation of the postganglionic right accelerans nerve on heart rate in cats was studied.

25. The results indicate that the solvent effect and tunneling effect must be taken into accout in determining the rate constant of the decomposition reaction in the condensed phase.