quantum theory in Vietnamese

@quantum theory
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- <lý> thuyết lượng tử
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-lý thuyết lượng tử

Sentence patterns related to "quantum theory"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "quantum theory" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "quantum theory", or refer to the context using the word "quantum theory" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Where did quantum theory come from?

Vật lý lượng tử bắt nguồn từ đâu?

2. The first derives from the quantum theory.

3. Nevertheless he remained highly sceptical of quantum theory.

4. We must face the problems of quantum theory later!

5. Quantum theory was not wished upon us by theorists.

6. The quantum theory is not just an esoteric addendum.

7. So this is general relativity, this is quantum theory.

Vì thế, đây là mối quan hệ khái quát, đây là thuyết lượng tử.

8. It relies heavily on the mathematical implications of quantum theory.

9. Quantum theory and Biocentrism is a very interesting field of science

10. Laing rejected classical psychoanalysis just as quantum theory rejected classical physics.

11. Einstein was awarded the Nobel prize for his contribution to quantum theory.

12. 11 Quantum theory proposes that radiant energy is transmitted in discrete units.

13. This radiation is known as Hawking radiation (cf. the quantum theory section, below).

Bức xạ này gọi là bức xạ Hawking (xem phần lý thuyết lượng tử bên dưới).

14. However, in quantum theory, anything that is not actually forbidden can and will happen.

15. New books and revised editions on the quantum theory of atoms and molecules continue to appear.

16. A quantum theory of the resonant interaction between spinwaves and phonons (magneto-acoustic resonance) is presented.

17. A divorce is decreed between wave and particle which quantum theory had for ever joined together.

18. Key words: hypervalency, hexacoordinate carbon, quantum theory of atoms in molecules, charge density analysis, ab initio methods.

19. Anti-realism remains popular and appears in various guises in textbooks and popular accounts of quantum theory.

20. It could not have been completely uniform, because that would violate the uncertainty principle of quantum theory.

21. 17 It could not have been completely uniform, because that would violate the uncertainty principle of quantum theory.

22. This tale of parallel realities claims to be based on quantum theory, and is dressed up with suitable jargon.

23. This is a profound question, and present-day quantum theory does not really provide us with a satisfying answer.

24. We must try to understand this, and how quantum theory forces us to change our view of physical reality.

25. One is that it should incorporate Feynman's proposal to formulate quantum theory in terms of a sum over histories.

26. Quantum theory states that orbiting electrons of an atom must occupy discrete energy levels in order to be stable.

Lý thuyết lượng tử cho rằng quỹ đạo các điện tử của một nguyên tử phải chiếm các mức năng lượng rời rạc để ổn định.

27. Nevertheless, he managed to write three outstanding papers, two on the theory of relativity and one on quantum theory.

Tuy vậy, ông đã viết ba bài báo xuất sắc: hai về lý thuyết tương đối tổng quát và một về cơ học lượng tử.

28. Planck corrected the theory and proposed what is now called Planck's law, which led to the development of quantum theory.

Planck đã sửa lại lý thuyết và đưa ra định luật Planck, định luật này dẫn đến sự phát triển cơ học lượng tử sau này.

29. As we now know, quantum theory is needed in order that the actual structure of solids can be properly understood.

30. However we have seen that quantum theory places considerable restraint on a plain man's objectivist view of the natural world.

31. It is essential for quantum theory that it should be able to annex to itself the triumphs of its predecessor.

32. Also called capillary action ‘In applied mathematics he studied optics, electricity, telegraphy, Capillarity, elasticity, thermodynamics, potential theory, quantum theory, theory of …

33. Because string theory has so much symmetry, it can accommodate the disparate faces of nature displayed by gravity and quantum theory.

34. Using quantum theory to understand gravity makes as much sense as trying solve a crossword puzzle with the key to your door.

35. These numbers were derived from a study of the different possible shapes of the orbits, circular and elliptical, according to Bohr’s “quantum” theory.

36. The double solutions correspond possibly to the wave-particle duality in quantum theory, and connect the double solution theory of the nonlinear wave mechanics.

37. Here he worked almost exclusively on theoretical particle physics and on accelerator design, but found time to pursue a major "hobby", investigating the fundamentals of quantum theory.

38. String theory or one of its cousins might allow the calculation of all inputs—not only the electron mass and such quantities but also the existence of spacetime and the rules of quantum theory.

39. According to the dictates of Einsteinian relativity and the baffling laws of quantum theory, equal numbers of particles and their opposites, Antiparticles, should have been created in the Big Bang that set the cosmos in motion.

40. Bethe joined Cornell’s faculty in 1936, and his research extended across fields as diverse as the quantum theory of solids and the nuclear processes that power the sun, receiving the Nobel Prize for the latter work in 1967

41. Specifically, Planck's quantum theory of fussy light tells us that light bulb filaments should be heated to a temperature of about 3200 Kelvin to ensure that most of the energy is emitted as visible waves - much hotter, and we'd start tanning from the ultraviolet light.

Cụ thể là, lý thuyết của Max Planck nói rằng sợi dây tóc bóng đèn nên được nung nóng tơi 3200 độ K để đảm bảo phần lớn nhất ánh sáng nằm trong khoảng nhìn thấy được - nóng thêm nữa, và ta bắt đầu tắm nằng bằng tia cực tím