put out the fire in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-dập tắt ngọn lửa

Sentence patterns related to "put out the fire"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "put out the fire" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "put out the fire", or refer to the context using the word "put out the fire" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The Fire Department came and put out the fire.

2. It took two hours to put out the fire .

3. 19 Do not put out the fire of the spirit.

19 Đừng cản trở hoạt động của thần khí.

4. Silks and satins put out the fire in the kitchen. 

5. She was rushing around madly trying to put out the fire.

6. 30 Silks and satins put out the fire in the kitchen. 

7. Bucketing water from the well, we raced to put out the fire.

8. Mother put out the fire and decided bed down for the night.

9. Mother put out the fire and decided to bed down for the night.

10. The firemen Arrived / had Arrived to put out the fire, which was spreading rapidly

11. 9 The apostle Paul admonished the Thessalonians: “Do not put out the fire of the spirit.”

9 Sứ đồ Phao-lô khuyên người Tê-sa-lô-ni-ca: “Chớ dập tắt Thánh-Linh”.

12. Rolly single-handedly attempted to apprehend the youths(Sentencedict.com), put out the fire and administer first aid to barman Wheeler.

13. 28 Rolly single-handedly attempted to apprehend the youths, put out the fire and administer first aid to barman Wheeler.

14. Some of the local people forcibly took away the hoses from the firemen to put out the fire in their homes.

Một vài người địa phương giật lấy vòi nước từ những người lính cứu hỏa để giập tắt nhà của họ.

15. 1 to lift out with something that holds liquid. Bucketing water from the well, we raced to put out the fire.

16. After a chemical reaction of explosions begin to destroy the factory, the Dynamic Duo are rescued by Superman, who helps them put out the fire.

Sau khi một vụ nổ bắt đầu phá hủy nhà máy, Dynamic Duo được giải cứu bởi Superman.

17. Eaton, one of the attending clergymen acknowledged Brother Russell’s victory, saying: “I am glad to see you turn the hose on hell and put out the fire.”

18. (Luke 12:32; 1 John 2:2; Acts 24:15) Yes, those Bible Students restored these fundamental truths, and in a figurative way, they even ‘turned the hose on hell and put out the fire’ of the Babylonish eternal-torment dogma!