public life in Vietnamese

@public life /'pʌblik'laif/
* danh từ
- đời hoạt động cho xã hội, đời hoạt động cho lợi ích chung

Sentence patterns related to "public life"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "public life" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "public life", or refer to the context using the word "public life" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. We should enter into public life.

2. She entered public life at the age of

3. Many people in public life have committed adultery.

4. He promised to end graft in public life.

5. Women in public life must be beyond reproach.

6. Howard seems to have retired from public life.

7. Public life has become a metaphysical breeder of fictions.

8. 5 Many people in public life have committed adultery.

9. You can then find your own niche in public life.

10. In public life his guiding principles were Protestantism and protectionism.

11. Nothing is sent forth on “the street” of public life.

Họ không nói gì khi ở ngoài “đường” hoặc nơi công cộng.

12. Your political opinions will necessarily impinge on your public life.

13. She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life.

14. 28 More women are attaining positions of power in public life.

15. He promised an end to graft and corruption in public life.

16. The agora came to be the heart of social and public life.

17. The On Being Project is a nonprofit media and public life initiative

18. Editorials would demand that he either recant or retire from public life.

19. His fame was so sudden that he was unprepared for public life.

20. 7 We interviewed senior politicians, famous writers and others in public life.

21. Originally, the sharifs of the Hejaz had generally avoided involvement in public life.

Lúc đầu, các sharif của Hejaz nói chung tránh can dự vào đời sống công cộng.

22. It is fashionable these days to pour scorn on those in public life.

23. The next two years were probably the most fruitful of Scott's public life.

24. You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life.

25. His first entry into anything describable as public life was made by way of vegetarianism.

26. Membership of the rarefied group also extends across the political divide and into US public life.

27. After a lifetime in politics he knows all about the rough and tumble of public life.

28. Violence diminishes the ability to gain an education, earn a living and participate in public life.

29. His first task was to get well as quickly as possible and return to active public life .

30. Measures to Ensure the Advancement of Women and Women in Politics and Public Life British Columbia 215

31. If so, goody-goody because I need to come out of retirement and return to public life.

32. Arcturus is still in an early stage of its public life, with plenty of room to grow.

33. Without role models, it becomes harder for women to take up their rightful space in public life.

Không có tấm gương, sẽ rất khó để phụ nữ đứng lên giành lại vị trí đúng đắn của họ trong cộng đồng.

34. Violence diminishes women’s and girls’ ability to gain an education, earn a living and participate in public life.

35. Take special measures to accelerate women’s participation at all levels and in all areas of public life (Norway);

36. But he was one of the most well-informed, widely read and serious political figures in public life.

37. As Deputy Chief Justice of Uganda, Justice Kikonyogo was rated the 6th most powerful person in Ugandan public life.

Với tư cách là Phó Chánh án của Uganda, Tư pháp Kikonyogo được đánh giá là người quyền lực thứ 6 trong đời sống công cộng ở Uganda.

38. At the expiration of his term as governor, Desha retired from public life to his farm in Harrison County.

Khi ông hết hạn nhiệm kỳ thống đốc, Desha đã rút khỏi đời sống cộng đồng và chuyển về sinh sống tại trăng trại của ông ở Quận Harrison.

39. The mission of Avow is to Advance Voices of Women in public life, the community square and civil conversations

40. According to Arendt, "the greater the Bureaucratization of public life, the greater will be the attraction of violence

41. I have my public life and my private life, and as far as possible I try to keep them separate.

42. Of her public life with Hollande, Trierweiler writes that she Accompaniedhim everywhere, that she was always happy by his side.

43. She believed that religious unity was necessary for a peaceful public life and explicitly rejected the idea of religious toleration.

Bà tin rằng sự thống nhất tôn giáo là cần thiết cho một đất nước hòa bình và dứt khoát bác bỏ ý tưởng khoan dung tôn giáo.

44. Bosniaks are under-represented in public life at the national level, and under-represented in state institutions, crucially the police

45. 6 It presents us with an important catharsis that we should hope never becomes the town square of public life.

46. 18 In New Testament times women were largely uneducated, and had no legal rights and no place in public life.

47. Are they well-rounded individuals who can cope with the stresses and strains of public life, domestic pressures, and constant travelling?

48. In Yemen, most women are veiled and they are sitting behind doors and not very much part of the public life.

Ở Yemen, đa số phụ nữ đeo mạng che mặt. và ngồi trong nhà không tham gia nhiều vào đời sống bên ngoài.

49. His is the sort of pedigree which has produced figures who have risen to the top of public life for generations.

50. What actually was unique was the agora itself and the pivotal role it played in the religious and public life of the Athenians.