pronouncement in Vietnamese

@pronouncement /pronouncement/
* danh từ
- sự công bố, sự tuyên bố

Sentence patterns related to "pronouncement"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pronouncement" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pronouncement", or refer to the context using the word "pronouncement" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. 19 A pronouncement against Egypt:+

19 Đây là lời tuyên bố nghịch lại Ai Cập:+

2. Pronouncement of peace and security

Lời thông báo hòa bình và an ninh

3. Of course, he could make no pronouncement.

4. Cheery Sentence Examples Neither believed her Cheery pronouncement

5. She made an official pronouncement on changes in government policy.

6. What are some details of Jehovah’s pronouncement against Philistia?

Tuyên ngôn của Đức Giê-hô-va nghịch lại Phi-li-tin có một số chi tiết nào?

7. A source of moral or ethical judgment or pronouncement.

8. Occasionally, Paulson would make a bold policy pronouncement.

9. “A PRONOUNCEMENT: The word of Jehovah concerning Israel by means of Malachi.”

“Gánh nặng lời Đức Giê-hô-va cho Y-sơ-ra-ên bởi Ma-la-chi” (Ma-la-chi 1:1).

10. Pronouncement: The Studio operates completely independently and hasn't any branch.

11. Pronouncement: The company operates completely independently and hasn't any branch.

12. Broad pronouncement of the week: We are entitled brats.

13. He made a public pronouncement that the Philharmonie was impossible to record in.

14. 8. (a) God’s pronouncement regarding his Son focused attention on what?

8. (a) Lời Đức Chúa Trời tuyên bố về Con Ngài hướng chúng ta chú ý đến điều gì?

15. 28 In the year that King Aʹhaz died,+ this pronouncement was made:

28 Vào năm vua A-cha chết,+ có lời tuyên bố như sau:

16. Thus, long in advance he inspires Isaiah to record “the pronouncement against Babylon.”

17. The official pronouncement was that they intended to fight fire with fire.

18. Absolution, in Christianity, a pronouncement of remission (forgiveness) of sins to the penitent

19. Though crestfallen in the face of this pronouncement of doom, Belshazzar kept his word.

Mặc dù bị hạ nhục trước sự công bố về đại họa, Bên-xát-sa vẫn giữ lời.

20. There has been no official pronouncement yet on the state of the president's health.

21. Antonyms for Acquitting include conviction, judgment, sentence, judgement, ruling, verdict, condemnation, decision, decree and pronouncement

22. However, Mr Hurd's pronouncement yesterday removes that incentive, leaving the Labour move almost certain to fail.

23. Banns of marriage: in England and Wales, the public pronouncement in church of an intended marriage

24. The executors of the earlier will sought the court's pronouncement for the validity of the 1978 will.

25. If the respondent has already left office before the pronouncement of the decision, the case is dismissed.

Nếu bị đơn đã rời khỏi chức vụ trước khi tuyên án, vụ án sẽ bị bãi bỏ.

26. By law, Pope is allowed seven days from the pronouncement of the verdict and sentence to appeal.

27. 21. (a) What play on words may be intended in the phrase “the pronouncement against the desert plain”?

21. (a) Lối chơi chữ nào cố ý đặt trong câu “tuyên ngôn về hoang địa”?

28. After presenting me with a bag of tomatoes, she glanced at my mangled leg and made the pronouncement.

29. There are many synonyms of Asseveration which include Affirmation, Allegation, Averment, Claim, Contention, Declaration, Statement, Pronouncement, etc.

30. Milosevic, who has remained in seclusion for the past two weeks, has yet to make any public pronouncement.

31. 6 The pronouncement continues: “‘A son, for his part, honors a father; and a servant, his grand master.

6 Lời tuyên bố nói tiếp: “Con trai tôn-kính cha mình, đầy-tớ tôn-kính chủ mình.

32. It can refer to a weighty divine pronouncement or to something that weighs one down and tires one out.

Nó có thể nói đến một tuyên ngôn trọng đại của Đức Chúa Trời hay một sự gì đè nặng trên một người và làm người đó mệt nhoài.

33. What John is doing in each situation is very much the same: he is making a pronouncement about something.

34. A few years ago, the pope upped the ante and added a written loyalty oath to him and his every pronouncement.

35. A recent pronouncement by a former Education Minister serves to remind us of the kind of thinking we must guard against.

36. (Isaiah 21:13) The desert plain referred to is evidently Arabia, for the pronouncement is directed at a number of Arab tribes.

(Ê-sai 21:13, “Trịnh Văn Căn”) Hoang địa rõ ràng ám chỉ A-ra-bi vì tuyên ngôn nhắm vào một số chi phái Ả-rập.

37. The spirit of Jehovah was responsible for this pronouncement: “There will be ships from the coast of Kittim, and they will certainly afflict Assyria.”

Thánh linh Đức Giê-hô-va soi dẫn để viết lời tuyên bố này: “Sẽ có những tàu từ gành Kít-tim đến, hà-khắc A-su”.

38. That is what is implied by O'Regan's pronouncement that today it is impossible to follow Bohme, i.e., Gnostic life is closed to man.

39. 20 That is what is implied by O'Regan's pronouncement that today it is impossible to follow Bohme, i.e., Gnostic life is closed to man.

40. "Toasting, " our term for the pronouncement of benedictions followed by a swallowing of alcohol, is believed to have taken its name from a practice involving a shared drinking vessel.

41. When judgment was executed against Jehoram, Jehu remembered Jehovah’s pronouncement that it was on account of “the blood of Naboth and the blood of his sons.”

42. Examples of Blatherskite in a Sentence a Scottish uncle who regards any pronouncement from the government as ignorable Blatherskite Recent Examples on the Web To all the Blatherskites who call …

43. However, Woodruff's pronouncement, theManifesto, forbade polygamy only in the United States, and for a decade or so it continued in Mexico and other places outside the U.S. government's jurisdiction.

44. More than the monetary awards, the Cameramen's case is significant because of the Court's pronouncement of what makes a worker a regular employee, a perennial problem in a contractualization

45. Examples of blatherskite in a Sentence a Scottish uncle who regards any pronouncement from the government as ignorable blatherskite Recent Examples on the Web To all the Blatherskites who call …

46. – Julius Caesar To the delight of rhetoricians—and the dismay of grammarians—Caesar’s egocentric pronouncement made asyndeton (plural: Asyndeta) famous and has become the quintessential example of this mostly poetic figure of speech

47. Also, at Esther 7:5 there is apparently an acrostic on the divine pronouncement “I shall prove to be.” —See footnotes on Esther 1:20; 5:4, 13; 7:7, as well as 7:5.

48. The Fund wishes to reiterate that the pronouncement does not, in any manner, Adversely affect the Fund's Investment and Operational philosophy that has proved to be successful, bearing much fruit over the past 30 years,' reads the statement.

49. The unreal phantasm that Affrights their imagination, or the unsubstantial consideration that offers itself to their disturbed reason, has no validity against the conscience once formed upon the pronouncement of the confessor or in some other equally trustworthy fashion.

50. La Pallu) (1705-1714) Governor Machault, Letter to the Secretary of State for the Marine, August 30, 1704 Acting Intendant Mithon, Judgment on Babet Binture''s Petition for Freedom, April 8, 1705 Intendant Vaucresson, Pronouncement, August 25, 1708 Governor Phélypeaux, Letter to