promiscuous in Vietnamese

@promiscuous /promiscuous/
* tính từ
- lộn xộn, hỗn tạp, lẫn lộn
=a promiscuous gathering+ cuộc tụ tập lộn xộn
=a promiscuous crowd+ đám đông hỗn tạp
=a promiscuous heap of rubbish+ đống rác lẫn lộn các thứ
=promiscuous bathing+ việc tắm chung cả trai lẫn gái
- bừa bãi, không phân biệt
=promiscuous massacrre+ sự tàn sát bừa bãi
=promiscuous hospitality+ sự tiếp đãi bừa bãi (bạ ai cũng tiếp)
- chung chạ, bừa bãi, hay ngủ bậy, có tính chất tạp hôn
- (thông tục) tình cờ, bất chợt, ngẫu nhiên, vô tình

Sentence patterns related to "promiscuous"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "promiscuous" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "promiscuous", or refer to the context using the word "promiscuous" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Promiscuous men are rarely criticized as severely as promiscuous women.

2. They become promiscuous.

Chúng sẽ lang chạ.

3. But it's just my promiscuous luck.

Nhưng nó chỉ là may mắn lăng nhăng của tôi.

4. You know the risks of promiscuous sex.

5. Pack out really is worse than promiscuous.

6. The promiscuous princess quickly becomes a pawn.

7. Alec know that she was promiscuous and superficial.

8. What, then, does promiscuous sexual intercourse really mean?

9. Don't mistakenly think that all art students are promiscuous.

10. I suppose I was quite promiscuous in my youth.

11. They will be promiscuous,* but they will not increase,+

Chúng sẽ lang chạ* nhưng không sinh sản,+

12. 20 What, then, does promiscuous sexual intercourse really mean?

13. In this age of AIDS, promiscuous sex is unquestionably dangerous.

Trong thời đại bệnh AIDS ngày nay, việc quan hệ tình dục bừa bãi chắc chắn là nguy hiểm.

14. Just by definition, they're going to be promiscuous.

15. " Oh, I'm not promiscuous, I don't need to use a condom.

" Ồ, Tôi không lăng nhăng, tôi không cần dùng bao cao su.

16. Men are promiscuous opportunists at heart and in their fantasies.

17. People are far more promiscuous, It'seems, on foreign holidays.

18. Rumors spread through the school that Jill was promiscuous.

19. Some have attempted suicide; others have abused drugs or been sexually promiscuous.

20. Chippy Meaning: "promiscuous young woman; prostitute," 1880, U.S

21. This sounds compelling and attractive but it can be promiscuous as well.

22. Public Place My love for public spaces over the years has been more promiscuous.

23. Amalgamated: See: collective , composite , compound , concerted , concurrent , conglomerate , conjoint , correlative , joint , miscellaneous , promiscuous , united

24. Anglo indian men have been portrayed as feckless idlers; the women as promiscuous sirens

25. She characterizes promiscuous conduct as “what leads to wiping out kings.” —Proverbs 31:3.

Bà tả hành vi luông tuồng là điều “gây cho vua-chúa bị bại-hoại”.—Châm-ngôn 31:3.

26. Confused: See: ambiguous , complex , deranged , disjointed , disordered , disorderly , haphazard , inextricable , lost , nebulous , opaque , promiscuous , unclear , vague

27. If anything, pentecostals are generally viewed as being more puritanical than other women, not more promiscuous.

28. Reese is the rich and pampered one, Lane the ambitious one, Peyton the promiscuous one.

29. 6 Untamed, they can indulge their short-term and promiscuous male sexuality and many do.

30. Untamed, they can indulge their short-term and promiscuous male sexuality and many do.

31. Those who are sexually promiscuous also face major health risks, both physical and mental.

Những người có quan hệ tình dục bừa bãi cũng gặp phải nhiều rủi ro cả về thể chất lẫn tinh thần.

32. Aldabra giant tortoises appear to be polygynandrous (promiscuous), both males and females having multiple partners

33. Geo-Anarchism is the outcome of applying the permissive geo prefix to the promiscuous anarchy

34. There would be no donning of a black cap for a promiscuous fourteen-year-old.

35. The most promiscuous species end up a collage of different handicaps, ornaments, and gaudy blotches.

36. He shuns such damaging practices as promiscuous sex, drug abuse, and drunkenness —and thus avoids premature death.

Người đó tránh những thực hành tai hại như tình dục buông tuồng, nghiện ngập ma túy, và say sưa rượu chè—nhờ đó tuổi thọ không bị rút ngắn.

37. They are wary, too, of so-called family entertainment that promotes promiscuous or permissive ideas that Christians cannot approve.

Họ cũng dè dặt đối với các trò tiêu khiển tuy là trong khung cảnh gia đình nhưng đề cao sự lang chạ hay các ý tưởng quá phóng túng mà người tín đồ đấng Christ không thể tán thành được (I Cô-rinh-tô 15:33).

38. 10 The most promiscuous species end up a collage of different handicaps, ornaments, and gaudy blotches.

39. This regenerative capacity is controlled in part by Auxin, the most promiscuous plant hormone controlling organogenesis and tissue patterning

40. In a secondary school in Nigeria, a sexually promiscuous girl used to advise her fellow students about sex.

Tại một trường trung học nọ ở Ni-giê-ri, một cô gái chung chạ tình dục bừa bãi thường cho bạn học lời khuyên về tình dục.

41. Mental and emotional imbalance, depression, and even suicide are also at times the result of promiscuous life-styles.

Đôi khi lối sống phóng đãng cũng đem lại các chứng bệnh tâm thần và tình cảm bị rối loạn, thần kinh bị suy nhược, và ngay đến sự tự tử.

42. Many AIDS sufferers contracted the disease through promiscuous sexual activity, contaminated syringes used by drug addicts, or tainted blood transfusions.

Nhiều người mắc bệnh AIDS qua các hoạt động tình dục bừa bãi, qua các ống tiêm nhiễm khuẩn của người nghiện ma túy hoặc qua việc truyền máu đã nhiễm mầm bệnh.

43. She was a dreary, promiscuous, disorganized piece of human driftwood, who kept having babies of dubious provenance.

44. Coochie (noun) A promiscuous female: You don't want to be with her, she a Coochie. How to pronounce Coochie?

45. By altering the small animal's brain hormone chemistry, scientists have made a promiscuous meadow vole faithful - just like its prairie vole cousin.

46. (Galatians 6:7, 8) Thus, a promiscuous life-style may lead to emotional distress, unwanted pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Do đó, một lối sống buông tuồng có thể gây ra sự đau khổ, việc có chửa hoang và những bệnh truyền nhiễm qua đường sinh dục.

47. There are usually more females than males present on an infested person and the males are relatively promiscuous, mating frequently.

48. A Baneful promiscuous intercourse of the sexes is hereby avoided, and virtue, without being damorously invoked, is, as it were, unconsciously practised.

49. The Bonding driver handles promiscuous mode changes to the Bonding master device (e.g., bond0), and propagates the setting to the slave devices

50. “Husbands being promiscuous,” states author Pamela Winfield, “should think of the pain in their children’s eyes at the break-up of the home which will follow their foolishness.”

Tác giả Pamela Winfield phát biểu: “Những người chồng tính tình lang chạ nên nghĩ đến nỗi đau đớn trong ánh mắt các con vào lúc gia đình tan vỡ, là hậu quả do sự ngu xuẩn của họ gây ra”.