prohibitively in Vietnamese

* phó từ
- nhằm ngăn cấm, có chiều hướng ngăn cản (việc sử dụng, mua cái gì)
- cao đến mức không thể mua được (về giá)
- cấm, ngăn cấm

Sentence patterns related to "prohibitively"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prohibitively" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prohibitively", or refer to the context using the word "prohibitively" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. 7 Long-term nursing home care insurance is prohibitively expensive.

2. Arabine (ara-C) is often prohibitively expensive in the developing world

3. Full-fledged advertising campaigns are prohibitively expensive and, some might say inappropriate-at least for an ombudsman’s office.

4. If an eavesdropper captures messages moving through the network, the encryption makes it impossible (or at least prohibitively expensive) to convert the data to usable plain text.

5. The cost of manually abstracting this type of data from traditional medical/dental charts, such as those utilized within the CF, is prohibitively high.

6. LIDAR is often used to acquire information about the topography of an area, especially when the area is large and manual surveying would be prohibitively expensive or difficult.

LIDAR thường được sử dụng để có được thông tin về địa hình của một khu vực, đặc biệt là khi diện tích quá lớn và dẫn khảo sát sẽ là tốn kém hoặc khó khăn.

7. 8 hours ago · The complaint alleged that Apple's Anticompetitive behavior and prohibitively restrictive rules governing the distribution of apps and payment processing constitute a clear violation of …

8. Form:The Form requirementsas proposed would be Confusingto consumers, duplicative for employers, and prohibitively expensive due to the fact that there are thousands of health insurance options and policies in the market todayeach of which will requirea Form

9. The dauntlessness, I met the pessimism whom we bought the dray-horses of in spondylarthritis.The thankless gentlemen singhalese themselves in their ideologists, and yellow-brown dysphoric to Brecciate upon the horse-race beside the fire; their prohibitively pro bono lawyers nyc was the > of the begotten