probative in Vietnamese

@probative /probative/
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Sentence patterns related to "probative"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "probative" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "probative", or refer to the context using the word "probative" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Chapter the meaning of the probative force of evidence.

2. The Provisions explicitly recognises the probative value of audiovisual material.

3. The key of criminal probative obligation lies in the distribution of the litigation.

4. The probative value of the evidence was said to outweigh its prejudicial effect.

5. Details of the case may demonstrate that certain bloodstains are more probative than others.

6. It shall be justified by receipted invoices or accounting documents of equivalent probative value.

7. Law-officer and both parties should not outweigh the appraisal conclusion's probative value in lawsuit.

8. Synonyms for Confirmatory include corroborative, corroboratory, corroborating, substantiating, confirmational, supportive, probative, probatory, confirming and

9. 21 The probative value of the evidence was said to outweigh its prejudicial effect.

10. In his own words then, the Investigator "... would rule on its probative value and admissibility."

11. In that case, the admission of guilt of the accused person ... shall have no probative value.

12. Distinction between admissibility and relevance (probative value) The importance of declarations has been much debated.

13. 17 OHIM disputes both the admissibility of those images and annexes and their probative value.

14. Evidence should only be excluded if its probative value was outweighed by its prejudicial effect.

15. Expenditure paid by beneficiaries shall be supported by receipted invoices or accounting documents of equivalent probative value.

16. Expenditure paid by beneficiaries shall be supported by receipted invoices or accounting documents of equivalent probative value

17. 27 Evidence should only be excluded if its probative value was outweighed by its prejudicial effect.

18. the amount of the expenditure is justified by accounting documents having a probative value equivalent to invoices

19. Where this cannot be done, payments shall be supported by accounting documents of equivalent probative value.

20. Where this cannot be done, payments shall be supported by accounting documents of equivalent probative value.’

21. Again, standing alone this evidence is not probative of any discrimination in the local construction industry....

22. (b) the amount of the expenditure is justified by accounting documents having a probative value equivalent to invoices;

23. b) the amount of the expenditure is duly justified by supporting documents having equivalent probative value to invoices;

24. Moreover, the applicant has not advanced any argument in the application on the probative value of those documents.

25. The author also does some researches about probative burden and the distribution of it in the insider trading.

26. the amount of the expenditure is justified by accounting documents having a probative value equivalent to invoices;

27. However, applying existing technology widely utilized in other scientific disciplines provides additional probative information in specialized cases.

28. 27 The author also does some researches about probative burden and the distribution of it in the insider trading.

29. This paper gives the probative result of the "Chinese Binet's Test" on 426 pupils of Han nationality in Shihezi.

30. Psychology is the third part the ability to evidence rules and probative force of the rules set out.

31. Computer Forensics is a new research filed and it is becoming much more probative as computer auditing becomes vital in many organizations.

32. Approaching: Approbate : Approbated Words that sound like or rhyme with Approbate Approbated Approbates probative probatory powerboat approbatory probate prebattle probated probates

33. These views go against professional means playing their roles, weaken the probative force of professional means, and influence the efficiency of legal actions.

34. All of these forms of evidence must be Admissible, though, before they can be considered as probative of an issue in a trial

35. Since the accomplice have the direct relation mutually, the probative force of their oral confession is weak and need to be further corroborated.

36. 10 Computer Forensics is a new research filed and it is becoming much more probative as computer auditing becomes vital in many organizations.

37. Specifically, because there is a direct interest between the accomplices, the probative force of their testimonies is generally weak and thus circumstantial evidence is needed.

38. But all the attention on Mitch and Cam's lip life overshadowed deeper strands that make the show even more probative of contemporary culture.

39. Although confession has the unique and important probative value to prove the fact of law cases, it is obvious mistake to extort confession by torture.

40. The presence of complex Chiasms in any text can be very meaningful, interesting, and probative in many ways and for a host of reasons

41. Therefore, it is necessary to make accurate position for electronic evidence, make specific provisions on the adoption of electronic evidence and probative force to guide judicial practice.

42. Analytical methods were developed to determine the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in dried Bloodstains to provide probative information when allegations of evidence tampering have been made in criminal cases

43. Watermarking skills have been developed to avoid the original graphics files from being stolen, modified or tampered and could be admissible in a court of law to be probative as digital evidences.

44. To be Admissible in court, the evidence must be relevant (i.e., material and having probative value) and not outweighed by countervailing considerations (e.g., the evidence is unfairly prejudicial, confusing, a waste of time, privileged, or based on hearsay).

45. 24 In that regard, it must be held at the outset that the affidavits of the applicant' s directors annexed to the application for interim measures cannot be regarded as probative in view of the fact that they are entirely general in nature.

46. Trial Chambers have established the following requirements for the Admissibility of expert statements or reports: (1) the proposed witness is classified as an expert; (2) the expert statements or reports meet the minimum standards of reliability; (3) the expert statements or reports are relevant and of probative value; (4) the content of the

47. 90 As regards the probative value to be placed on the various pieces of evidence, it should be emphasised that the only relevant criterion for the assessment of freely adduced evidence relates to its credibility (judgment in Dalmine v Commission, cited in paragraph 88 above, EU:C:2007:53, paragraph 63; see judgment of 8 July 2004 in Mannesmannröhren-Werke v Commission, T‐44/00, ECR, EU:T:2004:218, paragraph 84 and the case-law cited, and judgment in JFE Engineering and Others v Commission, cited in paragraph 88 above, EU:T:2004:221, paragraph 273).