privatisation in Vietnamese

* danh từ
- sự tư nhân hoá, sự tư hữu hoá

Sentence patterns related to "privatisation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "privatisation" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "privatisation", or refer to the context using the word "privatisation" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Rail privatisation gives them the shivers.

2. Parliament plans to redraft the law on privatisation.

3. 14 The privatisation allowed companies to rake in huge profits.

4. Big privatisation programmes are not on the cards.

5. The government is to accelerate its privatisation programme.

6. He has direct experience of the process of privatisation.

7. A large number of state-owned enterprises were exempt from privatisation.

Một số lớn doanh nghiệp thuộc sở hữu nhà nước đã bị loại khỏi quá trình tư nhân hoá.

8. For example, the impact of electricity privatisation is speculative.

9. Following independence, the government formed a legal framework for privatisation.

Sau khi giành độc lập, chính phủ đã thành lập một cơ cấu pháp lý cho việc tư nhân hoá.

10. Electricity privatisation has exploded the myth of cheap nuclear power.

11. Today a gentle meander through the horrors of rail privatisation.

12. 24 Electricity privatisation has exploded the myth of cheap nuclear power.

13. Most unions see privatisation as an inevitable prelude to job losses.

14. Privatisation has advanced, albeit at a slower pace due to the global economic environment.

15. Privatisation used to be a badge of honour worn with pride by these Ministers.

16. Commercialisation and privatisation in/of education in the context of Covid-19

17. The management contract was concluded after the privatisation agreement ceased to exist.

18. Under the privatisation agreement Georgsmarienhütte had undertaken not to sell Gröditzer's assets.

19. They believe these two devices are connected with protests against water privatisation.

20. But not everyone accepts the wisdom of privatisation, even in the government.

21. The Government was determined to go full steam ahead with its privatisation programme.

22. I reject absolutely the notion that privatisation of our industry is now inevitable.

23. Turkey is adapting to the EU and this includes the area of privatisation.

24. And they are audibly unsure how keen on privatisation the government really is.

25. Some Tories fondly imagine that privatisation will eliminate the need to subsidise the railways.

26. It should also be pointed out that white-collar industries have suffered from privatisation.

27. Privatisation of socially-owned enterprises and restructuring of public utilities have not advanced satisfactorily.

28. We shall pursue the privatisation programme, and encourage private investment, both domestic and foreign.

29. Corporate finance and privatisation, in particular, did well, increasing fee income by 19% to £16m.

30. Norton believes privatisation of electricity and water companies means more funds will come on stream.

31. Privatisation goes against the grain of their principle of opposition to private ownership of industry.

32. Thus, the 1985 proclamation of privatisation had largely stalled by 1989 for lack of buyers.

33. Subject: Rules on the administration and privatisation of EU energy infrastructure projects financed by the EU

34. In the long term, Mr Heseltine said that privatisation was the only hope for the industry.

35. 16 He has been traipsing about, explaining to staff the joys of privatisation which await them.

36. Programme S.TDY 30 26/10/93 Rail workers rally in London in protest about privatisation plans.

37. Rather, the best argument for privatisation is that it would allow the railways to expand their services.

38. Some modest flows of foreign direct investment are now taking place in the context of accelerated privatisation.

39. He oversaw the closure and privatisation of the Forensic Science Service and championed the Modern Slavery Bill.

Trong hai vị trí này, ông giám sát việc đóng cửa và tư nhân hoá Dịch vụ Khoa học Pháp y và ủng hộ Dự luật Nô lệ Hiện đại.

40. The restructuring and privatisation in key sectors, such as energy, mining and transport, needs to be advanced.

41. The receipts of privatisation shall be kept on trust accounts until any possible claims have been settled.

42. The privatisation has created defence industry, which in 1999 was brought under the Malaysia Defence Industry Council.

Hành động tư hữu hóa tạo ra ngành công nghiệp quốc phòng, đến năm 1999 thì nằm dưới sự quản lý của Hội đồng công nghiệp quốc phòng Malaysia.

43. Belgium adds that this sound management enabled private investors to be attracted in 2009 during BSCA's partial privatisation.

44. For the nuclear element in electricity privatisation is the coping stone on which the flotation plans are based.

45. One such would be maintaining the government's support for Mr Kamei's ill-conceived reversal of the postal privatisation.

46. Take away or subsidise all nuclear power stations and you lose the commercial logic of the privatisation plans.

47. Mr Knapp warned passengers and rail workers alike their fate was in their own hands if they voted for candidates supporting privatisation.

48. Some 60 bills are now clogging parliament on everything from privatisation to local government, with more on the way.

49. 15 It would mean reversing himself on three points: price reform, budget discipline and privatisation of land and property.

50. They denounce the commercialisation of health and education and the cutbacks in the remaining public utilities and their privatisation.