precipitated catalyst in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: hóa học & vật liệu
-xúc tác kết tủa

Sentence patterns related to "precipitated catalyst"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "precipitated catalyst" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "precipitated catalyst", or refer to the context using the word "precipitated catalyst" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. His remark precipitated my decision.

2. This personal dispute precipitated Marlborough's dismissal.

Tranh cãi cá nhân này là nguyên nhân trực tiếp dẫn đến Marlborough mất chức.

3. Copper mattes; cement copper (precipitated copper)

4. One small error precipitated the disaster.

5. Method for producing precipitated starch esters

6. Specially precipitated silicic acids for rubber applications

7. Type of the replacement pollution control device: (oxidation catalyst, three-way catalyst, SCR catalyst, particulate filter etc.):

8. reduction catalyst

9. About FHA Catalyst _____ By definition, a Catalyst is an accelerator

10. Falling sales precipitated the failure of the company.

11. Stacking of low activity or regenerated catalyst above higher activity catalyst

12. Not some catalyst.

không phải chất xúc tác.

13. The truck overturned and precipitated us into the ditch.

14. Asymmetric hydrogenation catalyst

15. Preparation method of solid catalyst for propylene polymerization, and catalyst prepared thereby

16. This event precipitated a family crisis with political consequences.

Sự kiện này đã nhanh chóng gây ra cuộc khủng hoảng trong gia đình mà phải gánh chịu những hậu quả chính trị.

17. Alcohol-precipitated pectin is then separated, washed and dried.

Kết tủa bằng cồn pectin sau đó được tách, rửa sạch và sấy khô.

18. The sulfide can also be precipitated from acetate solutions.

Chì sulfua cũng có thể được kết tủa từ các dung dịch acetat.

19. Production method for propylene, restoration method for catalyst, and solid acid catalyst

20. An acute sickle cell crisis is often precipitated by infection.

21. The assassination of the president precipitated the country into war.

22. The assassination of the king precipitated the country into war.

23. Two major events precipitated a major resurgence in Norwegian literature.

Hai sự kiện lớn đã thúc đẩy sự hồi sinh của văn học Na Uy.

24. Abrasion-resistant catalyst carrier

25. Cisco-Catalyst Access Gateway