prayerful in Vietnamese

@prayerful /'preəful/
* tính từ
- sùng tín; hay cầu nguyện, thích cầu nguyệ

Sentence patterns related to "prayerful"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prayerful" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prayerful", or refer to the context using the word "prayerful" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Give your circumstances prayerful thought.

Hãy cầu nguyện và suy nghĩ về những hoàn cảnh của bạn.

2. Her prayerful search for truth was rewarded.

Việc bà thành tâm tìm kiếm lẽ thật đã được thành công.

3. Please always be prayerful all through your life.

4. With mumble, sobbing, cheering , prayerful , tender or doting voice.

5. No wonder He longed for the prayerful solitude of mountaintops!

Thảo nào Ngài đã mong mỏi được ở trên núi để được yên tĩnh cầu nguyện!

6. Will I hurt these warm-hearted, patient, prayerful and kind people?

7. In prayerful meditation you concentrate on communication on a spiritual level.

8. He will make the choice with earnest searching and prayerful consideration.

Người ấy sẽ cân nhắc lựa chọn trong việc tìm kiếm một cách nghiêm túc và thành tâm.

9. Prayerful study of the Bible is indispensable for me to gain power in prayer.

10. When congregation elders meet, prayerful reflection and a yielding spirit promote unity

Khi các trưởng lão họp lại, việc cầu nguyện, suy ngẫm và tinh thần nhường nhịn giúp họ hiệp một với nhau

11. Encourage all to give serious, prayerful thought to reevaluating their prospects for pioneering.

Khuyến khích mọi người nên nghiêm chỉnh cân nhắc để xét lại triển vọng làm tiên phong.

12. Approach your Bible reading session in a prayerful and focused frame of mind.

13. For me, most of the indian people are poor but nice and prayerful .

14. Like an elite division with a bright flag, spring beauties up as long prayerful wishes.

15. Yes, test by a sober study of God’s Word, with prayerful petition for help.

16. Have you given prayerful thought to the possibility of returning to the pioneer ranks?

Anh chị đã cầu nguyện và nghĩ đến khả năng đăng ký làm tiên phong trở lại chưa?

17. (Mark 7:33) Next, Jesus looked up to heaven and uttered a prayerful sigh.

(Mác 7:33) Kế đến, Chúa Giê-su ngước mắt lên trời và thở ra sau khi cầu nguyện.

18. Please always be prayerful all through your life and pray to God to forgive me my sins.

19. After prayerful deliberation, the committee felt that the time for legal action was not right.

Sau khi cầu nguyện và cân nhắc kỹ, ủy ban nhận thấy chưa đến lúc kiện ra tòa.

20. His eyes were closed behind thick glasses, and his expression was prayerful and vaguely pained.

21. (Psalm 19:12-14) Is our use of the tongue also in need of prayerful attention?

Có phải chúng ta cũng cần thành tâm lưu ý đến cách chúng ta dùng miệng lưỡi không?

22. It's just that the vocation to the priesthood ... we need to be very prayerful about it.

23. 6 Give prayerful advance thought to what you will say to make your presentation appealing.

24. Icons are destined both to reflect and evoke prayerful concentration and serenity in communication with God.

25. The prayerful reaching of men in personal interviews is thebest of all methods to win souls.

26. Synonyms for Churchgoing include God-fearing, devout, pious, godly, holy, righteous, prayerful, spiritual, reverent and devoted

27. After prayerful preparation, share this message using a method that encourages the participation of those you teach.

28. Much prayerful and careful thought has been given as to how we might build more Kingdom Halls.

29. Be grateful, be smart, be clean, be true, be humble, be prayerful. Gordon B. Hinckley 

30. May you, by His grace, keep on keeping-on through your obedience and prayerful dependence on Him.

31. No such sincere, prayerful effort will go unanswered: that is the very constitution of the philosophy of faith.

32. His all-encompassing healing power is sought in the prayerful words of our hymn “Master, the Tempest Is Raging”:

Quyền năng chữa lành vô hạn của Ngài được tìm thấy qua những lời thỉnh cầu của bài thánh ca của chúng ta “Thưa Thầy, Cơn Bão Đang Hoành Hành”:

33. I need daily, prayerful fellowship with God if I am to have His thoughts make their home in me.

34. She clasped her hands in a prayerful attitude, the gesture of a headmistress or a nun dismissing a mischief-maker.

35. (Luke 2:36-38) Anna’s life of prayerful service was undoubtedly a great antidote to the sorrow and loneliness she felt as a widow.

Đời sống hầu việc Đức Chúa Trời và sự cầu nguyện của bà An-ne chắc hẳn là liều thuốc hiệu nghiệm giúp một quả phụ như bà hết đau buồn và cô đơn.

36. The Columbarium Wall of Remembrance is a wonderful and prayerful way to memorialize a loved one, an anniversary, or a special dedication

37. In conclusion: Prayerful life, daily walk in the faith, understands the needs of the ethnic group, seek the Lord and seek vision.

38. What we sometimes forget to imagine is the almost prayerful nature of the day, the profound investment of hope and fear it entailed.

39. With humble hearts and open minds, those sincere Bible Students, as they called themselves, made a careful and prayerful search of the Scriptures. —Matt.

Những lớp học này tách biệt khỏi các giáo hội và giáo phái thuộc khối Ki-tô giáo.

40. Before taking a step which is to exert an influence upon all your future life, I urge you to give the subject careful and prayerful deliberation.

41. As his last hours ticked away, an upbeat and prayerful Davis turned down an offer for a special last meal as he met with friends, family and supporters.

42. (Acts 15:29) Beyond that, when it comes to fractions of any of the primary components, each Christian, after careful and prayerful meditation, must conscientiously decide for himself.

43. When families are strongly united, children can see God's special love in the love of their father and mother and can grow to make their country a loving prayerful place.

44. Faust (1920–2007), Second Counselor in the First Presidency, said: “To those brokenhearted parents who have been righteous, diligent, and prayerful in the teaching of their disobedient children, we say to you, the Good Shepherd is watching over them.

Faust (1920–2007), Đệ Nhị Cố Vấn trong Đệ Nhất Chủ Tịch Đoàn, đã nói: “Đối với những cha mẹ đau khổ là những người đã sống ngay chính, siêng năng, và cầu nguyện về việc dạy dỗ con cái ngỗ nghịch của họ, thì chúng tôi nói với các các anh chị em là Đấng Chăn Hiền Lành đang quan tâm đến họ.

45. He then said: “When in the considered and prayerful judgment of a church the freedom to fulfill these responsibilities is essentially abridged by state or society, it is the duty of the church to say ‘no’ to the state and ‘no’ to the society.”

46. 70:17 It shall calll him who turneth back and Backslideth 70:18 And masseth and then hoardeth 70:19 Verily man is formed impatient 70:20 When evil toucheth him, he is bewailing 70:21 And when good toucheth him he is begrudging 70:22 Not so are the prayerful 70:23

47. The Four Consents: The School of Divine Love: First Consent: Reflections and Wisdom Sharing: 10:00 am: Break/Prayerful Movement: 10:15 am: Centering Prayer: 10:45 am: Second and Third Consents: Reflections and Wisdom Sharing: 11:45 am: Lunch Break: 12:15 pm: Fourth Consent and Consent-on-The Go: Reflections and Wisdom Sharing: 1:15 pm: Break