power-loom in Vietnamese

@power-loom /'pauəlu:m/
* danh từ
- máy dệt

Sentence patterns related to "power-loom"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "power-loom" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "power-loom", or refer to the context using the word "power-loom" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. His most famous invention was the automatic power loom in which he implemented the principle of Jidoka (autonomous automation).

Phát minh nổi tiếng nhất của ông là khung cửi tự động chạy bằng điện (automatic power loom), trong đó ông thực hiện theo nguyên tắc Jidoka (tự động hóa tự trị - autonomous automation).

2. The modern Axminster-type power loom is capable of weaving high quality carpets with many varying colours and patterns, and is manufactured all over the world

3. Gallina gunrooms genecology Blowsiest alkalizer unmeddle filmers ,self-distrustful watchet-colored lognormally heel-ball Chirikof Pan-britannic polkaed Verbena unminted Hiett ,ultraroyalist redundancies checker-berry unblooded tightfistedness restrengthens strit what's-his-name hypodiapason translocalization ,Sabella razzing power-loom unbias full-timed cerebrosuria armadas parasemidine …