potassic in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "potassic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "potassic" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "potassic", or refer to the context using the word "potassic" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Holocene layers contain Augitite, leucite basanite, potassic hawaiite and leucite tephrite

2. Tungsten mass gains are greater for the Albitic alteration assemblage than for the potassic assemblage

3. Orogenic gold mineralization is associated with quartz veins that are surrounded by hypozonal potassic and sulfidic alteration zones.

4. Potassic alteration had a thermal maximum above 550 °C; subsequent argillic alteration culminated at about 450 °C.

5. The "Agrochemicals Market by Pesticide Type (Herbicides, Insecticides, Fungicides), Fertilizer Type (Nitrogenous, Phosphatic, and Potassic), Crop Application (Cereals & …

6. Mineralization is accompanied by wallrock alteration comprising a spatially restricted potassic type and a regional propylitic alteration type.

7. Potassic feldspar forms intricate intergrowths with fluorite that result in locked feldspar-fluorite particles in the fluorspar concentrates.

8. Piedmont potassic alteration zone is the product of potash feldspathization, part of the zone is ore body. Sentencedict.com

9. In contrast to current views on the genesis of potassic rocks, it is suggested that differentiated leucite tephrite suites may be derived from peralkaline liquids by alkali loss.

10. Mangani-dellaventuraite occurs together with ferri-leakeite and potassic-mangani-leakeite, commonly overgrowing aegirine-augite (blanfordite), and is the least abundant of these three Amphiboles.

11. Vein emplacement did not result in extensive outgassing of argon from Mid-Proterozoic potassic minerals, as long as alteration of the psammopelitic host rock was restricted to the immediate contact of the vein.

12. Minette) might be classified as potassic trachybasalt, shoshonite, or latite using the total alkali-silica diagram (see TAS classification), or as absarokite, shoshonite, or Banakite using a classification sometimes applied to potassium-rich lavas

13. Porphyry copper-gold mineralization consists mainly of disseminated and/or vein-related chalcopyrite within the central potassic alteration zone which also hosts the highest gold grades (up to 2 ppm).

14. Batholithic and silicic-volcanic magmas become in general more silicic and more potassic as the continental crust be­ comes thicker, so the lower crust may be increasingly involved in melting as its depth increases