postal service in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-bưu vận
-dịch vụ bưu chính

Sentence patterns related to "postal service"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "postal service" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "postal service", or refer to the context using the word "postal service" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Postal service was also available throughout the administration.

Dịch vụ bưu chính cũng hiện diện trong khắp hệ thống chính quyền.

2. Postal Service issues Apples, a new one-cent definitive stamp.

3. People may obtain life insurance from the Japanese postal service.

4. 12.2.3 By postal service on the debtor with acknowledgement of receipt | |

5. 12.2.3 By postal service on the debtor with acknowledgement of receipt X

6. Arrival times may vary depending on the postal service in your area.

Thời gian đến có thể khác nhau, tùy thuộc vào dịch vụ bưu chính tại khu vực của bạn.

7. Once we were organized, our system worked better than the government postal service!

Một khi tổ chức xong, hệ thống của chúng tôi hữu hiệu hơn dịch vụ bưu điện của chính phủ!

8. However, it may take longer depending on the postal service in your location.

Tuy nhiên, có thể mất nhiều thời gian hơn tùy thuộc vào dịch vụ bưu điện tại địa phương bạn.

9. I have implicit faith in the U.S. Airmail and His Majesty's Postal Service.

10. After leaving the postal service, Carney became a messenger at the Massachusetts State House

11. On 1 October 1854, the first stamps were issued by the Imperial Postal Service.

12. The PNA also gained control of the West Bank's postal service during this period.

PNA cũng giành được quyền kiểm soát dịch vụ bưu chính trong giai đoạn này.

13. Standard International Airmail: the packages sent by this postal service can NOT be tracked.

14. These official state Abbreviations have all been standardized by the United States Postal Service

15. Her other sponsors include UniCredit Bank and Česká pošta, a Czech postal service operator.

Các nhà tài trợ khác của cô bao gồm Ngân hàng UniCredit và Česká pošta, một nhà điều hành dịch vụ bưu chính Séc.

16. 12 Compensation for lost or damaged mail will be handled by the postal service.

17. The Postal Service confiscates their recording equipment and send Alalia and Fratt away in despair.

18. The Irish Postal Service An Post, regularly features the shamrock on its series of stamps.

Dịch vụ bưu chính An Post của Ireland thường xuyên có hoạ tiết shamrock trong các bộ tem phát hành của mình.

19. Postmaster General Louis Dejoy Attempts to cripple the postal service likely for a specific reason

20. A few prominent people came to the defense of the Brontosaurus and the Postal Service

21. In 1965, the U.S. Postal Service honored Douglass with a stamp in the Prominent Americans series.

Năm 1965, Bưu điện Hoa Kỳ phát hành một con tem vinh danh Douglass trong sê-ri Prominent Americans.

22. Advanced Facer Canceler System 200 ; United States Postal Service This postal system–related article is a stub

23. Postal Service® introduces Celebration Corsage a new two-ounce stamp for many of life’s special moments

24. Among former state-owned companies recently privatised are: CTT (postal service), TAP Portugal (airline) and ANA (airports).

Trong số các công ty quốc doanh mới được tư hữu hoá, có CTT (bưu chính), TAP Portugal (hàng không) và ANA (cảng hàng không).

25. Battiest Post Office NOTICE: The Postal Service is an essential government service, and will remain open wherever possible

26. Brocket Post Office NOTICE: The Postal Service is an essential government service, and will remain open wherever possible

27. Brusett Post Office NOTICE: The Postal Service is an essential government service, and will remain open wherever possible

28. Bergenfield Post Office NOTICE: The Postal Service is an essential government service, and will remain open wherever possible

29. Arecibo is the actual or alternate city name associated with 3 ZIP Codes by the US Postal Service.

30. The combination meter tape/address labels are self-aligning for conforming to United States Postal Service IBIP specifications.

31. This was the first time a postal service in the Middle East paid tribute to an amateur radio organization.

32. Some examples include the U.S. Postal Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

33. Their network of Clacks towers covers most of the Unnamed Continent, but now the old postal service is fighting back

34. Noun the act of cutting something short or cutting it back; reduction: Constant Curtailment of postal service has inconvenienced every citizen.

35. postal service attested by an acknowledgement of receipt including the date of receipt, which is signed and returned by the debtor

36. In 1976, it became one of the first four butterflies that the United States Postal Service placed on a U.S. stamp.

Năm 1976, loài bướm này trở thành một trong bốn loài bướm đầu tiên Bưu điện Hoa Kỳ chọn để in hình trên tem thư Hoa Kỳ.

37. I don't know about you, but I think if we're going via the postal service, it ought to be signed for.

Tôi không hề biết anh nhưng nếu chúng ta chuyển đường bưu điện, thì cần phải có chữ kí.

38. Achievability is concerned with the capability of both the client and other Postal Service organizations to manage a successful business project

39. The term ZIP Code was originally registered as a servicemark by the U.S. Postal Service, but its registration has since expired.

Thuật ngữ ZIP code ban đầu được đăng ký độc quyền như là con dấu dịch vụ của Cục Bưu điện Hoa Kỳ nhưng hiện nay nó đã hết hạn.

40. If you find yourself needing to send mail Anonymously via the postal service, there are really three ways of going about it

41. Welcome to the Postal Store at! Order stamps, shipping supplies, and unique items only Available from the United States Postal Service.

42. The US Postal Service has agreed to take extraordinary measures to deliver mailed Ballots for Georgia's upcoming Senate runoff elections, including treating Ballots …

43. 14 The soft drink deal was placed on hold last year after the Postal Service Board of Governors learned of the federal investigation.

44. On June 6, 1977, the United States Postal Service released sets of four 13-cent stamps illustrating American butterflies, including the Oregon swallowtail.

Ngày 6 tháng 6 năm 1977, Bưu điện Hoa Kỳ cho ra 4 bộ tem 13-xu có hình các loài bướm Mỹ, trong số này có bướm phượng Oregon.

45. American Samoa is small enough to have just one ZIP code, 96799, and uses the US Postal Service (state code "AS") for mail delivery.

Samoa chỉ có một mã ZIP là 96799, và sử dụng Dịch vụ Bưu chính Hoa Kỳ (mã "AS") để chuyển phát thư.

46. Address standardization is a po sitive step toward improved Address quality and is a cost-effective operation for both postal customers and the Postal Service

47. However, across Europe there were further losses associated with travel disruption, the insurance industry, the postal service, and imports and exports across Europe and worldwide.

Tuy nhiên, trên toàn Châu Âu có nhiều thiệt hại liên quan đến sự gián đoạn du lịch, ngành công nghiệp bảo hiểm, dịch vụ bưu chính, và xuất nhập khẩu trên khắp châu Âu và trên toàn thế giới.

48. 13 Address Information Systems Products and Services The Postal Service offers a wide range of products and services to help mailers improve and maintain Address quality.

49. 1 day ago · Louis DeJoy Plans Extensive Postal Service Cutbacks: Report By Matt Stieb The proposal reportedly includes longer first-class delivery windows, higher …

50. The following table lists examples of suffix forms that are primary street suffix names, common street suffixes or suffix Abbreviations, and recommended official Postal Service standard suffix Abbreviations.