posset in Vietnamese

@posset /'pɔsit/
* danh từ
- sữa đặc nóng hoà với rượu và hương liệu (xưa dùng làm thuốc chữa cảm lạnh)

Sentence patterns related to "posset"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "posset" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "posset", or refer to the context using the word "posset" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. 1 - facit quandam Assimilationem inter corpora caelestia in agendo et elementa, ex qua assimilatione dissolvit quandam dubitationem quae posset esse ex iam dictis

2. Nam ira trahit hominem ad vindictam, dolor ad desperationem, moeror ad totius mentis Aggravationem: ideo dicit philosophia quod sua perturbatio jam non possit sustinere fortiora remedia, sed velit sibi adhibere lenia ut per talia praeparatus et dispositus constanter posset percipere remedia acriora.

3. Quaedam bona et introitus in illud confert iure pa- troni, quaedam vero iure episcopali, et iure quidem episcopali, capitulo consentiente, de quinquagesima episcopatus sui, donat illi viginti marcas puri argenti et viginti modios episcopales in grano, de quibus ne in posterum posset differentia Cavillationis suboriri, viginti modios episcopales

4. 257 Dico tunc ad formam huius Cavillationis, quod sicut apparet somnianti se videre, ita posset sibi apparere oppositum unius principii per se noti, speculabilis, et tamen non sequitur quin illud principium sit per se notum, et ita non sequitur quin sit per se notum audienti quod audiat, quia circa utrumque potest potentia indisposita errare

5. Both Bisson and Adam Kosto agree that the work was completed in 1192 and presented in 1194, but that it was never a "completed", rather the "closing of the selection of instruments" was the "beginning of continuous work". is instrumentis ad memoriam revocatis, unusquisque ius suum sortiatur, tum propter eternam magnarum rerum memoriam, ne inter vos et homines vestros, forte oblivionis occasione, aliqua questio vel discordia posset oriri. ith these instruments recalled to mind, each person should receive his due, and that on account of the undying recollection of great matters, no dispute or conflict should arise between you and your men because of forgetfulness. —Ramon de Caldes explaining the function of the LFM in the prologue The LFM was treated by its modern editor, Rosell, as little more than a written record of the aggrandisement of the domain of the counts of Barcelona.