populism in Vietnamese

@populism /'pɔpjulizm/
* danh từ
- chủ nghĩa dân tuý

Sentence patterns related to "populism"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "populism" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "populism", or refer to the context using the word "populism" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. A little populism can be a mercy.

2. Its language is of market-driven populism.

3. How worrying is their populism?

4. And do not forget populism and protectionism.

5. The spectre of populism proved a mirage.

6. The fires of populism are burning ever more brightly.

7. It was the speech's one concession to rightwing populism.

8. Perils of populism can be Counteracted by ‘Radical’ political strategy

9. On economics, too, the Edwards brand of populism is hard to pigeonhole.

10. Their ideas are simple populism - tax cuts and higher wages.

11. Such populism has painted politicians, notably in Germany, into a rhetorical corner.

12. "The Great Commoner" lost three presidential elections, but his populism transformed the country.

13. The Liberal Party set out to change that by a policy it called "populism."

Đảng Tự do bắt đầu thay đổi điều này bằng một chính sách được gọi là "chủ nghĩa dân túy".

14. But , all that, there are good reasons for taking the resurgence of populism seriously.

15. And Margaret Bone, and he came by his populism and Abhorrence of war naturally

16. The economists Rudiger Dornbusch and Sebastian Edwards have characterized such policies as the macroeconomics of populism.

17. In fact though, as Lenin said, populism had not a grain of socialism in it.

18. It gave ( will give ) the voices of south population ( false populism ) something to say.

19. Of course, the thought has some limitation. So it dyes populism color and some Utopian socialism.

20. Discontent and populism may now form a vicious circle, both causing economic failure and worsening it.

21. As the story of the Clinton administration shows, well-intentioned populism can not bridge it.

22. Based on village commune, Russian populism affirmed that industrial capitalism ought to be transcended by Russian agricultural socialism.

23. The second lesson is that if America tips into recession, the sirens of populism will warble louder.

24. You see Brexit and you see the concerns of populism across all of the European states.

Bạn thấy Brexit và sự quan ngại của những người dân chủ trên toàn liên minh châu Âu

25. The Midwest is celebrated for its small - town, farm - based conservatism and is home to historic American populism.

26. Hague has already been accused of a dangerous flirtation with populism over immigration or law and order issues.

27. Aleksandr Ivanovich Herzen, political thinker, activist, and writer who originated the theory of a unique Russian path to socialism known as peasant populism

28. Mexico’s ‘Tropical Messiah’ Browbeats Critics and Bullies the Press Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s ‘left-wing populism’ means taking more power for himself.

29. While understanding the specificity of Hong Kong’s situations, The Appearing Demos also comments on some global predicaments we are facing in the midst of neoliberalism and populism

30. Essentially rhetorical, populism Aggrandizes words to exaggerate their referents, like Jukka being kind or Turkey taking over Europe, and thus divides the masses with love or fear

31. The Anywheres have counted for too much in the past generation — their sense of political entitlement startlingly revealed after the Brexit and Trump votes — and populism, in its many shapes

32. To be sure, the Tea Party’s brand of aggrieved populism – and its composition of mostly white, angry, middle-class voters – has deep roots in the United States, flaring up during times of change.

33. Although the Republicans' nationalist platform was in many ways similar to that of the PSR, Sirik Matak's rather aloof style placed him at a disadvantage to the populism of Lon Nol.

Mặc dù nền tảng dân tộc của Đảng Cộng hòa xét theo nhiều hướng cũng tương tự như của Đảng Xã hội Cộng hòa, thế nhưng phong cách xa rời quần chúng của Sirik Matak đã đặt ông vào thế bất lợi cho chủ nghĩa dân túy của Lon Nol.

34. 19 A scion of one of America's most powerful families, he is a devotee of sunbelt populism; a product of Yale and Harvard Business School,[www.Sentencedict.com] he is a scourge of eggheads.

35. Thus we have seen that the religiosity of populism can be discerned through locating the two main components of the populist movement, the people and the leader, which are sanctified and assigned the status of Absoluteness

36. have regard to the role that the internet, social media and digitalisation can play in promoting solidarity, political participation and active citizenship among young people and in combating political alienation, populism, propaganda and radicalisation that may lead to violent extremism;

37. "An overdue and rational corrective about populism and Authoritarianism." The Australian "Brilliantly insightful and always fair-minded, The New Authoritarianism is a compelling insider’s account of how the liberal-minded became close-minded." Quadrant "This is a superb book.

38. Chartism was the first movement both working class in character and national in scope that grew out of the protest against the injustices of the new industrial and political order in Britain. While composed of working people, Chartism was also mobilized around populism as well as clan identity

39. Shehlawi and Noha El Haddad, the founders of Achime, or the Association of Muslim Girls in Spain.As European populism and anti-Islamic sentiment manifest in new and uglier ways, we ask: what sparked this, and what does it mean for the global Ummah?Sara and Noha examine the challenges Muslims face in Spain, Prophetic …

40. Le populisme se reconnaît bien sûr à ses calembredaines, mais surtout par le ton péremptoire avec lequel elles sont assénées.: Populism can be recognised from its Balderdashes, of course, but especially from the peremptory tone they are asserted.: Le soja a été accusé d'être un véritable poison par Nexus, une revue qui répand des théories conspirationnistes et des calembredaines

41. But the party system and the FA’s internal balance of power do not favor any turn abrupt toward radical left or populism. Indeed, because populist tactics are likely to prove self-defeating in the presidential campaign, Mujica started supporting Vázquez’s administration’s record and made Astori his candidate to be Vice President, entitled to take the lead on economic policy and participate in the executive. To stress their social democratic credentials both candidates, Mujica and Astori, have gone on pilgrimages to the United States, Brazil, and Chile.