popular front in Vietnamese

@popular front
* danh từ
- mặt trận bình dâ

Sentence patterns related to "popular front"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "popular front" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "popular front", or refer to the context using the word "popular front" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The party later joined the Popular Front on 13 April 2013.

Đảng này sau đó nhập vào Mặt trận Bình dân (Tunisia) vào ngày 13 tháng tư 2013.

2. The Communist Party was adamantly opposed to fascism during the Popular Front period.

3. On October 2, the Popular Front formally launched its political platform at a two-day congress.

Ngày 2 tháng 10, Mặt trận nhân dân chính thức khởi động tranh luận, diễn thuyết chính trị tại Quốc hội trong 2 ngày.

4. She originally joined the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) as a volunteer, but eventually the JRA became an independent group.

Cô đến Lebanon, với mục tiên hỗ trợ và tham gia mặt trận dân tộc giải phóng Palestine nhưng cuối cùng, hồng quân Nhật bản (JRA) trở thành một nhóm độc lập."

5. Son of slain ‘Collaborator’ sentenced to death by Hamas Shadi al-Sufi, 38, was found guilty of killing Jaber al-Qeeq, a former activist with the PLO’s Popular Front for the Liberation of

6. After all, one cannot remain indifferent to what one can see happening just across the border: restrictions and administrative pressure on NGOs, intimidation, persecution and imprisonment of democratic opposition activists, including leaders of the youth movements known as the Belarusian Popular Front and Young Front.

7. Many Vichy officials, such as Pétain, were reactionaries who felt that France's unfortunate fate was a result of its republican character and the actions of its left-wing governments of the 1930s, in particular of the Popular Front (1936–1938) led by Léon Blum.

Nhiều quan chức trong chính phủ như Pétain, dù không phải tất cả, là những người phản động cảm thấy rằng số phận hẩm hiu của nước Pháp là kết của tính chất cộng hòa của nó cũng như những hành động của các chính phủ cánh tả trong những năm 1930, đặc biệt là của Mặt trận Bình dân (1936–1938) do Léon Blum lãnh đạo.

8. Arosev traveled and worked in many parts of Europe in the prewar emigration, in the 1920s and early 1930s as Soviet ambassador to Prague and other European capitals, and during the years of the Popular Front as head of the All-Union Society for Cultural Ties Abroad (VOKS)

9. PCE was a small party during the initial years of the Republic, until it began to grow due to the victory of the Popular Front (of which the Communists had been a constituent part) in February 1936 and the beginning of the Spanish Civil War in July of that year