polyglot in Vietnamese

@polyglot /'pɔliglɔt/
tính từ
- biết nhiều thứ tiếng
- nhiều thứ tiếng, viết bằng nhiều thứ tiếng
danh từ
- người biết nhiều thứ tiếng
- sách viết bằng nhiều thứ tiếng; kinh thánh viết bằng nhiều thứ tiếng

Sentence patterns related to "polyglot"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "polyglot" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "polyglot", or refer to the context using the word "polyglot" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. New York is an exciting polyglot city.

2. A polyglot bible contains versions in different languages.

3. A polyglot army, too, because of all the different nationalities.

4. My tutor's something of a polyglot - she speaks seven languages.

5. Thanks to his polyglot aptitude, he made rapid progress.

6. Whereas the Complutensian Polyglot of 1517 proved to be a “monument to typographical art,” the new Antwerp Polyglot surpassed its predecessor in technical merit and in content.

7. He was a round old man with a guttural, polyglot accent.

8. Does this mean Americans are the most polyglot tourists on the planet?

9. She was reading a polyglot bible, with the text in English, Latin and Greek.

10. That disaster led to the demand for a new edition of the Polyglot Bible.

Tai họa ấy dẫn đến nhu cầu cần in lại bản Kinh Thánh Đa Ngữ.

11. In this restricted sense of the term, the number of polyglot Bibles is very small.”

Theo định nghĩa hạn hẹp này thì có rất ít bản được gọi là Kinh Thánh đa ngữ”.

12. 23 She was reading a polyglot bible, with the text in English, Latin and Greek.

13. The Complutensian Polyglot (1514-17), sponsored by Cardinal Cisneros, was printed in Alcalá de Henares, Spain.

Bản Đa Ngữ Complutum (1514-1517), được sự bảo trợ của Hồng Y Cisneros và in ở Alcalá de Henares, Tây Ban Nha.

14. When widely adopted, the polyglot approach may even affect architectural decisions, not only everyday programming techniques.

15. Is a decently versed Polyglot. Understands the nuances of different systems and methodologies. Good Senior programmer.

16. 28 She was reading a polyglot bible, with the text in English, Latin and Greek.

17. Countries like Nigeria and India use it as a unifying language in their polyglot nations.

18. The Indian government, in turn, hopes for restraint from its own people, particularly in crowded, polyglot Mumbai.

19. Westerners tend to forget that for much of the world being polyglot has been a necessity for survival.

20. His accent, an inimitable polyglot growl, radiates a weariness that comes with being what he calls a "global nomad."

21. Benny Lewis, polyglot and speaker of 8 languages, recently took up the task of learning Thai in two months.

22. Its leaders and managers refuse to speak a polyglot language derived from the patois of lawyers, accountants, and pop psychologists.

23. Philip was so interested in the progress of this Polyglot Bible that he asked to be sent a proof of each sheet.

Vua Philip quan tâm đến tiến trình in ấn bản Kinh Thánh Đa Ngữ đến nỗi yêu cầu được nhận bản in thử của mỗi trang sách.

24. He charged Arias Montano with the huge task of editing what came to be called the Royal Bible, or the Antwerp Polyglot.

Vua giao cho Arias Montano trọng trách làm chủ biên của bản ấy, sau này được gọi là Kinh Thánh Hoàng Gia, hay bản Đa Ngữ Antwerp.

25. The large polyglot, multiethnic communities of today would not, on Aristotle's account, allow for sufficient mutual trust and friendship to count as a healthy political community.

26. The famous Spanish scholar Antonio de Nebrija* was put in charge of revising the text of the Vulgate that would appear in the Polyglot Bible.

Antonio de Nebrija,* vị học giả nổi tiếng người Tây Ban Nha, được cắt cử trông coi việc hiệu đính văn bản Vulgate sẽ in trong cuốn Kinh Thánh đa ngữ.

27. Coherence ensures for customers maximum scalability and performance in enterprise applications by providing clustered low-latency data storage, polyglot grid computing, and asynchronous event streaming.

28. Like many others, however, he is resigned to the likelihood that Cantonese — and the people who speak it — will soon become just another facet of a polyglot neighborhood.

29. Since Zamora was one of the foremost scholars of his day, cardinal Jiménez de Cisneros, the university founder, enlisted his help in preparing the monumental Complutensian Polyglot.

Vì ông Zamora là một trong những học giả hàng đầu thời đó, nên hồng y Jiménez de Cisneros, người thành lập trường, đã nhờ ông giúp soạn thảo công trình vô cùng quan trọng là bản Đa ngữ Complutum (Complutensian Polyglot).

30. The technical breadth of such polyglot applications exceeds the expertise of any single developer or project team because of the multiple languages, technologies, methods, and platforms involved.

31. Neither the raging sea nor the attacks of the Spanish Inquisition prevented an improved and amplified version of the Complutensian Polyglot from resurfacing in 1572 in the form of the Royal Bible.

Bão táp và sự tấn công của Tòa Án Dị Giáo Tây Ban Nha đều vô hiệu vì vào năm 1572, ấn bản mới của bản Đa Ngữ Complutum—được cải thiện và bổ sung—là bản Kinh Thánh Hoàng Gia đã xuất hiện.

32. As for the next evolutionary change, we believe that it's going to be the so-called polyglot programming (I have borrowed this term from Neal Ford as it nicely applies to the modern trends).

33. Perhaps the strongest link to the McQueen heritage is the sense of history that permeates the work of designers who show in London, even if their own polyglot backgrounds lie far away.

34. Bewailen (Middle English (1100-1500)) Featured Games Trending Searches 🔥 frontage challenge creative define white-person assistance negative-impact yahoo focus know-it-all for-the-first-time gurkha aesthetic polyglot online out-of-the-box thinking gujarati mental-health