plucking in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: hóa học & vật liệu
-sự cày mòn (băng hà)
@Lĩnh vực: dệt may
-sự nhổ lông

Sentence patterns related to "plucking"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "plucking" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "plucking", or refer to the context using the word "plucking" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Plucking of these flowers.

Đó là việc hái những bông hoa này.

2. Plucking a bald eagle.

Vặt lông con đại bàng.

3. Gore is ripe for the plucking.

4. Plucking Grain on the Sabbath

Bứt bông lúa vào ngày Sa-bát

5. Nell was plucking a harp.

6. Plucking and grafting branches (verses 7–8)

Cắt bỏ và ghép vào các cành cây (các câu 7–8)

7. 76 31 Plucking Grain on the Sabbath

76 31 Bứt bông lúa vào ngày Sa-bát

8. The child kept plucking at his mother's sleeve.

9. Grinding mills, eviscerators, conveyor belts, plucking machines

10. I do believe you're better at clucking'than at plucking'.

Tôi tin là cô cục tác giỏi hơn là cứu bất cứ ai.

11. She was plucking her eyebrows with a pair of tweezers .

12. Nelly begged me not to leave her, and plucking up courage I stayed.

13. He sat on the bed, idly plucking the strings of his guitar.

14. Wild Blackberries also have big thorns and are quite prickly, so be careful when plucking the fruit.

15. “The classifier tests the strength of the staple by plucking it with his index finger,” explains the foreman.

16. Both men crouched down, facing each other, Nino plucking the mandolin for a few harsh chords.

17. There are elastic adjusters (44) provided between the disc(30) and the plucking clamp strips (20).

18. I'm thankful that women my age will need bifocals to see the chin hairs that they missed plucking.

19. Geladas' dextrous hands are grass-plucking machines, moving as many as 150 blades a minute from soil to mouth.

20. Recall the time when the Pharisees condemned his disciples for plucking grain and eating it on the Sabbath.

Hãy nhớ lại lúc người Pha-ri-si lên án các môn đồ của ngài về việc bứt bông lúa mì ăn trong ngày Sa-bát.

21. Balalaika definition is - a usually 3-stringed instrument of Russian origin with a triangular body played by plucking or strumming.

22. This process, called plucking, is caused by subglacial water that penetrates fractures in the bedrock and subsequently freezes and expands.

Quá trình này gọi là plucking, bị gây ra bởi nước của sông băng mà xuyên vào các khe nứt ở thềm đá rồi sau đó bị đóng băng và nở ra.

23. Blackbirds have been riffling through the feather moss, plucking out chunks and scattering it about like bright green mattress stuffing.

24. Give each student a rubber band and let him experiment to see what notes he can make by plucking it.

25. The tow rope sprang taut, plucking the dinghy clear as the swell broke, thundering forward on to the waiting coral.

26. 6 Now on a sabbath he was passing through grainfields, and his disciples were plucking and eating the heads of grain,+ rubbing them with their hands.

6 Vào ngày Sa-bát nọ, Chúa Giê-su đi qua đồng lúa, và các môn đồ ngài bứt bông lúa,+ vò trong tay rồi ăn.

27. It opens with the father, Chef Chu, plucking a live chicken from his backyard coop and minutes later turning it into a steaming, mouth-watering casserole dish.

28. Two fingerlike parts on the tip of the trunk allow the elephant to perform delicate maneuvers such as picking a berry from the ground or plucking a single leaf off a tree.

29. Recall, for instance, when the Pharisees charged that Jesus’ followers had violated the Sabbath law by plucking a few heads of grain in a field and eating them while passing through.

Chẳng hạn bạn còn nhớ khi những người Pha-ri-si buộc tội môn đồ của Chúa Giê-su đã vi phạm luật ngày Sa-bát bằng cách bứt bông lúa ăn trong khi đi ngang qua một cánh đồng.

30. A tea plant will grow into a tree of up to 16 m (52 ft) if left undisturbed, but cultivated plants are generally pruned to waist height for ease of plucking.

Cây trà lớn cao đến 16 m (52 ft) nếu không bị tác động, nhưng các loại cây trồng thường được tỉa cành để độ cao của chúng ngang với thắc lưng nhằm để tuốt (thu hoạch).

31. “Virtual Mind Amazements” is an intelligent, interactive, sophisticated, and fun virtual show with Stetson reaching through the screen and effortlessly plucking your thoughts over the web and under the most impossible conditions

32. For instance, when the Pharisees criticized his disciples for plucking heads of grain on the Sabbath, Jesus demonstrated from the account recorded at 1 Samuel 21:6 how the Sabbath law should be applied.

Thí dụ, khi mấy người Pha-ri-si chỉ trích các môn đồ ngài đã bứt bông lúa vào ngày Sa-bát, Chúa Giê-su mượn lời tường thuật nơi 1 Sa-mu-ên 21:6 để cho thấy luật Sa-bát nên được áp dụng như thế nào.

33. You can go to the beach, you'll find these simple organisms that use proteins -- basically molecules -- to template what is essentially sand, just plucking it from the sea and building these extraordinary architectures with extreme diversity.

Bạn có thể ra biển, bạn sẽ tìm thấy những sinh vật đơn giản dùng proterin -- còn là các nguyên tử -- để dùng những hạt cát đơn thuần, chỉ lấy từ đại dương và xây nên những kiến trúc phi thường với vô vàn đa dạng.

34. So if your cat suddenly starts to groom more or there are patches of missing or Barbered fur (where chewed hair shafts have become stubble) to suggest he is licking or plucking more, make sure to check for fleas and look for any changes in his diet history or environment

35. Agartala, Agartala, My Home Formal training to earn certification for a particular music grade level, Within a month, Western Classical, Individual classes, Learn basics of playing a guitar, Yes, Classical, Learn a specific song, Learn to play as an accompaniment to singing, Indian classical, Learn specific skills: Plucking, Chord progression