played out in Vietnamese

@played out ['pleidaut]
*tính từ
- (thông tục) kiệt sức; kết thúc; không còn dùng được nữa

Sentence patterns related to "played out"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "played out" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "played out", or refer to the context using the word "played out" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. He played out the rope.

2. That's how much rope played out.

Cho nên dây thừng vô tác dụng.

3. I heard your mine was played out.

Tôi nghe nói cái mỏ của cô đã cạn kiệt.

4. Marinello's was played out in relative obscurity.

5. A wailful bagpipe played out in the night.

6. Marinello's was played out in relative obscurity.

7. Theirs are played out on a huge scale.

8. Battles in the Colosseum are automatically played out from …

9. All sorts of rivalries and intrigues are played out.

10. This country's world role is just about played out.

11. After a hard gallop, the horse was played out.

12. We hope we have not yet played out our supplies.

13. Classical physics is played out before an all-seeing eye.

14. The game was played out althongh the light was bad.

15. When they played out, there was a smile on their faces.

16. The story is subtle and sexy, Competently played out by all concerned.

17. The pattern of boom and bust played out all through the region.

18. But, hey, the pattern played out in other, more positive ways too.

19. Her union reforms were played out against a background of rising unemployment.

20. The drama played out in a nest of bald eagles a webcam.

21. The story is subtle and sexy, Competently played out by all concerned

22. I'm always played out by the time I finish work on Fridays.

23. Remember those flip-books that with a riffle played out a short animation?

24. It employed a bunch of played-out, fear-mongering stereotypes of Arab people.

25. The long struggle between the strikers and thier employers is ont yet played out.

26. Their love affair was played out against the background of a country at war.

27. SIMILAR scenes are played out every day in virtually every part of the globe.

Nhiều cảnh tương tự xảy ra mỗi ngày trên khắp thế giới.

28. The long straggle between the strikers and their employers has not yet played out.

29. Now it looks like that bad idea will be played out during an election year.

30. Having walked eighty miles that day, some of them were played out at the end.

31. Anight out in Newcastle - a scene that's been played out countless times over the decades

32. The old type of family party is played out, young people demand something more exciting nowadays.

33. Ged Dale, Eccles, LancsOne is a Blowsy, overblown and preposterous melodrama played out to a hysterical score.

34. In conference sessions throughout the late 1980s, a civilized but spirited feud played out between these two camps.

35. In June 2020, the Batavia Community Diversity Initiative was born, and it all played out on a virtual meeting

36. Zachry mentions that if the future had played out differently, his sister, Catkin, could have been the next Abbess

37. And the timing of the touching scene at the Richard Nixon Library played out before cameras was no accident.

38. Some felt that the old analytical approach to science had been played out, that a new approach was called for.

39. 28 Throughout the Kuomintang, as within the Soong family, the power struggle was played out in subtle intrigues and inscrutable maneuvers.

40. When their initial lure had played out, the pioneers of the West found other attractions to induce them to stay on.

41. This section permits sports clubs to have alternative permitted hours in the winter where the sport is played out of doors.

42. The tournament was first played out in 2007–08, having been approved by the UEFA Executive Committee on 22 May 2006.

Giải bắt đầu từ mùa giải 2007–08 sau khi được chấp thuận bởi Ban chấp hành UEFA vào ngày 22 tháng 5 năm 2006.

43. Katell was fighting a cold and her show was played out against the distracting backdrop of a surreal domestic theatre set.

44. This little drama - and other scenes like it - is played out method-acting style almost every day in this particular household.

45. For more info: guitar was played out of the box w

46. You deserve a better bandana! Ditch played-out paisley for Bandits original, never-before-seen bandana designs created by artists from around the world

47. It was perhaps never more poignantly played out than during the two greatest maritime disasters in history: the sinking of the Titanic and the Lusitania.

48. Alongside this positive dynamic, we continue to see a parallel dynamic of the divisive political agendas that have been played out over the past six years.

49. Containment Critics Consensus Uninspired performances and pedestrian writing make Containment just another in the long line of disaster movie scenarios we've seen played out countless times before.

50. “The Courier” is also practically an encyclopedia of spy movie conventions, some enjoyable and some a little played out: There are fun 1960s spy gadgets, including a …