pension plan in Vietnamese

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-kế hoạch hưu

Sentence patterns related to "pension plan"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pension plan" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pension plan", or refer to the context using the word "pension plan" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. A: Do we have a pension plan?

2. Once you have a pension plan, be sure to use a pension plan expert to help you keep your plan qualified.

3. Many employees contracted out of the pension plan.

4. The municipal pension plan was deemed Actuarially unsound

5. The municipal pension plan was deemed Actuarially unsound

6. (adverb) The municipal pension plan was deemed Actuarially unsound.

7. • Air Canada Pension Plan Solvency Deficiency Funding Regulations Guidance

8. Details of the pension plan are set out below.

9. Any requirement for Employees to join the Pension Plan?

10. Employees may opt out of the company's pension plan.

11. Your pension plan provides a cash lump sum at retirement.

12. Have you been making regular contributions to a pension plan?

13. They can also choose between repayment, endowment or pension plan mortgages.

14. After three years in the pension plan, you become fully vested.

15. She pays a quarter of her salary into a pension plan .

16. Canada Pension Plan Actuarial Report Tabled 1995-018 (February 24, 1995)

17. A Contribution is a payment into a retirement savings or pension plan

18. The following table provides details of the RCMP Pension Plan Pension Accounts:

19. NYSNA Pension Plan and Benefits Fund; The NYSNA Pension Plan and Benefits Fund provides good Benefits for thousands of nurses and healthcare workers in the private and public sector

20. Many people are exercising their right to leave the state pension plan.

21. We have a pension plan I am eligible to receive at age

22. • form T920, Application for Acceptance of an Amendment to a Registered Pension Plan;

23. Mr. Redman claims refunding the Halcyon pension plan has always been his intent.

Ông Redman tuyên bố hoàn trả lại tiền cho kế hoạch hưu trí Halcyon luôn luôn là ý định của ông ấy.

24. Ottawa, December 16, 1998 1998-126 Canada Pension Plan Actuarial Report Tabled Related document:

25. • Administrative expenses were accurately measured and appropriately presented in the Pension Plan financial statements;

26. Our reader was invited to make his annual contribution to his Equitable Life pension plan.

27. PWGSC, as plan administrator, is responsible for the delivery of the Public Service pension plan.

28. Today, the pension plan for the owner and ten office workers is in serious trouble.

29. Historical values from Statistics Canada; projections from the 21st Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan.

30. • 21233 Interest Accrued on Special Non-Marketable Bonds Issued to Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Investment Fund

31. I would have been much wiser to start my own pension plan when I was younger.

32. Your pension adjustment is the assumed value of your accumulated benefits in a registered pension plan.

33. EXAMPLE An individual participates in a defined benefit registered pension plan with a 2% benefit accrual rate.

34. On low earnings the rebate payments will be too small to justify the personal pension plan charges.

35. A non-Contributory pension plan is a type of retirement plan that does not require employee contributions

36. NYSNA Pension Plan and Benefits Fund 800-342-4324 or 518-869-9501 Fax: 518-869-9529

37. • The Public Service Pension Plan Retirement Planning Information Session certification program was finalized and accepted for implementation.

38. A pension loan takes advantage of the cash lump sum your pension plan will provide at retirement.

39. The Commuted value is sometimes called the cash value or lump sum value of a pension plan

40. The rate of contribution to the pension plan is the same for all employees, regardless of age.

41. Canada Pension Plan Sales of goods and services Outlay Gross current expenditure on goods and services of which:

42. Interest Accrued on Special Non-Marketable Bonds Issued to Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Investment Fund Department(s) Specific:

43. David Feldman, President of Bare knuckle Fighting Championship, (BKFC), The World’s Fastest Growing Sport, today announced a Pension Plan

44. Present pension rules raise problems for workers who want to roll over money from one pension plan to another.

45. So there are no pat answers, and usually you need a pension plan expert to recommend a plan for you.

46. This paper analyzes the cost of using such period tables in actuarial calculations for an individual employee’s defined benefit pension plan.

47. Registration Number of above plan if it is or was a registered pension plan or a deferred profit sharing plan 3.

48. □ INSURANCE: The Watch Tower Society may be named as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or in a retirement/ pension plan.

□ BẢO HIỂM: Một người có thể ký giấy cho Hội Tháp Canh đứng tên thừa kế tiền bảo hiểm nhân mạng của mình hoặc lãnh tiền của quỹ hưu trí.

49. ◦ a transfer value of your deferred annuity to a locked-in RRSP, an insurance company to purchase an annuity, or another registered pension plan.

50. When a lump sum is offered in a traditional pension plan, the amount of the lump sum often varies based on market interest rates